Wisdom comes with maturity! My father seemed so dumb when I was young then as I grew older he seemed so much wiser. Why is that? Perhaps it was I! You think! I love it when I come across a young person that thinks he or she know
everything. One thing is for sure, it seems the older I get the wiser I become. I do not and cannot solve all of my problems by myself and as far as that goes know one can. But I do know that we all have a source of tremendous wisdom that helps us choose the right course or should I say the right force. Star
Wars is back and I see it as a classic good versus evil theme. As we dive into a new year. May the light force be with you all. If you dare to go into more details, read Colossians 3:12-17 and Luke 2:41-52 then listen to my brief excerpt of my message recorded on December 27th, 2015.