
To be enslaved, is past tense of enslave, meaning that we have our human rights taken away from us. We have been made into a slave. Long ago people were contracted, in some cases, or condemned most times, into servitude. I think being enslaved is a modern problem that should have been resolved a long time ago. How can we resolve the problem if we do not even recognize it as a problem? I am excited to announce that my book “Sticks and Stones” will be listed in the Sci Fi Magazine December issue due to hit the magazine racks all over the world on August 20th. The book has also been converted into an Audible version due to be released about the same time in August. Finally, I will be an exhibitor at the Louisiana Book Festival on November 2nd,2019. My book offers a warning to the dangers of being enslaved.

In a previous post labeled “GDLW” posted July 2016 and mentioned again a few weeks ago, my question is what is the true message? Amos forecasted doom when he saw in a vision a Plumb Line measuring Israel’s deviation from the true message. Are we in danger drifting away from the truth? May we straighten up and get back to the true message! Go and Do Likewise (GDLW) was the advice given to us.

Last week I posted that we must choose wisely. We can get hung up on junk for our bodies or junk for our souls and choose badly. We should consider our decisions carefully and make the better choice.

When we consider living according to the true message, GDLW, and make good choices, we may find ourselves still struggling with being enslaved. “See to it that nobody enslaves you with philosophy and foolish deception, which conforms to human traditions and the way the world thinks and acts rather than Christ.” (Colossians 2:8) That is clear to me that even though we may have our faults because of our human traits, we should not find ourselves in slavery but to Christ. We are the body and he is the head. “So, don’t let anyone judge you about eating or drinking or about a festival, a new moon observance, or sabbaths. These religious practices are only a shadow of what was coming—the body that cast the shadow is Christ.” (Colossians 2:16,17) We can become just like them enslaved. We let our guard down and become just like those we choose to avoid. We eat or drink what is not healthy to our bodies and souls. But, nobody has the right to judge us especially those not attached to the head. (vs 19) The only way we can become a better person not enslaved to anything or anyone is to stay connected to the real truth and that will set us free.


Note: To read other blogs related to this one, go to www.alookintot.com


I believe all the world should take a moment to reflect on the tremendous accomplishment 50 years ago to put not just one man but two on the moon. As a national challenge our president chose to lay down a ten year marker. The brave men and women did it! I remember that day so well and remember the pride my Dad possessed as being a part of the effort. It was one of his greatest accomplishments as he told our family often to be part of the team that made it happen. I believe we can choose to focus on a greater goal today or we can choose to live as victims of our own making. It is our choice. We all have to choose our path in life. Paul became a servant of the good news and revealed a secret plan. He then preached it in the hopes all would choose the right path. (Colossians 1:23-28)

We can be distracted by stuff that in the scheme of things means little. We can choose to abuse our bodies with junk food or our minds with junk news. We can make a daily routine become so important that we miss an opportunity to grow into a better person. We can choose to be a bystander or we can choose to become part of the team. Martha and Mary were sisters. Martha chose to prepare the table for a meal and was annoyed when her sister did not make the same choice. Mary chose to prepare herself for eternity. Which one chose correctly? We can get so hung up on living that we forget to live with a purpose. We can miss opportunities to grow while trying to choose what we think is correct. Instead, perhaps we should look at every situation with a new set of eyes and ask ourselves what is the better choice. (Luke 10:38-42)

To choose is to select the best or most appropriate alternative. The word choice is the act of selecting. I have used these words in some form or the other 32 times on previous blog posts. That indicates to me a pattern. I recorded a sermon back in October 2015 about choices then posted in a blog labeled “Choice”. You can click onto to the link here to read more. http://alookintot.com/2018/10/27/choice/

As individuals, we can choose a path that leads us to ultimate victory. As a team focused on a near impossible goal, we can choose to win at all cost. They said it was impossible to put a man on the moon 50 years ago but they were wrong. Can we accomplish other supposedly impossible goals if we choose? I say yes. See you on Mars. T