
Are you ashamed of doing something in the past or even in the present that makes you feel terrible? By definition, being embarrassed or guilty because of our actions or our associations with other’s actions, is to be ashamed. I am guilty for being who I am, not because of any hereditary gene fault, but simply being a human being. We are all guilty as charged. Do we keep going down that path of doing incredibly stupid things that we later regret and are ashamed? Maybe, if we do not learn a little humility. We may continue towards a path of destruction. Humility is an attribute us humans rarely possess. We think of ourselves to be much more important than others think. Take the joy of dancing for example. Most of us are too busy with our own steps to enjoy the human interaction with others. When we humble ourselves, we can begin to see actions of others in a different view and we can look for alternate outcomes. The events of the last few weeks, when seen through the media designed to sell sensationalism, causes us all to hold onto our own belief systems. We believe what we see which may not be reality. We also may be influenced to overact and do stupid things that we later may regret and feel ashamed. What is the outcome of going down a destructive path?

The definition of sin, in its simplest form, is when we do things void of God. When we separate ourselves from God, we have committed sin, in my opinion. In Romans 6:12-23, we are given precise instructions on how to live without sin. We learn sin has no power over us, because we are not under the law but under His grace. We learn that we become a slave to whomever or whatever controls us. We can obey only one master. If we fall into that trap of believing what we see as truth instead of the real truth, we may pay the price sin dictates and that is destruction leading to death. If we learn the truth, not through sensationalism but His grace, our outcome is life. There are two outcomes. One leads to death. The other to eternal life. Choose wisely my friend.

As we celebrate the birth of our nation on the 4th of July, may we also celebrate the real truth so we can remove those chains of slavery forever. Peace to you. T