HR (Human Relations) in the corporate world is a department formed for the specific purpose to manage personnel within the company. Wouldn’t it be great if we were totally managed by someone else? NO! That is Socialism or in Marxist theory, the transition from capitalism to communism. Who would want to be totally managed? We are all given, by God, a free will to make decisions. Some decisions made by some people are probably not well thought out before the decision is made. Poor decisions can lead to devastating results. So we must be careful of the freedom we possess. What if we did not have freedom to make our own decisions? I believe the lack of ability to make our own decisions is slavery. We can become a slave to another person or a slave to our own desires. Drink, food, sex are examples of desires that can hold us in bondage.

The United Methodist have a special day assigned to observe Human Relations before Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. On this day, the Church recognizes the right of all people to realize their potential as human beings in relationship with one another. I believe Dr. King was transparent in public and in private. He was free to think and speak freedom in spite of civil challenges and honored God with his body.

In 1 Corinthians 6, Paul says he has the freedom to do anything, but not everything is helpful and will not be controlled by anything. That includes food, temptations of the body as those are sins against our bodies. Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and does not belong to us. We have been bought and paid for so we should honor God with our bodies. Isn’t that a form of slavery? Yes, but I would rather be a slave to God than to my body or anybody else. Wouldn’t you?

In John 1, Jesus recognized Nathaniel as a genuine honest person. My last message was on honesty. Nathaniel is a perfect example of being honest even when we are alone and subject to our own deception. Nathaniel was seen alone under the fig tree. What was he doing? You can use your own imagination on what he was doing but for sure it was recognized by Jesus as an act of honor. We should all realize our potential as human beings in relationship with one another. We should also recognize the free will we possess is God given to whom we give honor and glory.



Many years ago, a person could conduct business and close a deal by a firm handshake between two honest people. In this world of he said, she said, they said as spun by a media focused on influencing their audience to believe their propaganda, the real story does not matter. The facts do not seem to matter any more as that is immaterial when all that matters is getting the news out to a public for reaction.  Synonyms like integrity, uprightness, ethical, high principles, righteous, truthful, reliable, etc., are all words that can relate to honesty. Last week I wrote about the wise men getting a false story from King Herod. This week in light of current events it seems we are all obsessed with passing judgement on very little knowledge of the story. I watched a devastating loss by the Saints after what seemed to be a victory. First glimpse of the continuous rerun of  the play shows a missed tackle. The opinions went from if only he would have made that tackle, to why didn’t he just make that tackle, to what an idiot for not making that tackle, to he should be fired for not making such a simple tackle, etc. etc. You get the point! Replay after replay of what a person did or said does not add clarity to the final outcome. In my opinion, it only adds a barrier to a more lasting outcome. Would have, could have, should have does not change the outcome, but only increases the resistance to an ending that will be acceptable to all. The political arena is obsessed by avoidance of an outcome acceptable to all. They would rather an endless debate filled with accusations and name calling over an honest attempt to obtain compromise.

In Acts 19:2, Paul asked the people of Ephesus whether they received the Holy Spirit when the came to believe. Their honest response was that they did not even know there was a Holy Spirit. We can judge these people with labels such as “idiots” or “racists” for following John instead of Jesus but doesn’t an honest question deserve an honest answer? If you continue to read Paul, he did not chastise them. Instead, he used this moment as a teaching moment and then they truly believed through Paul’s honesty. Do we judge people by their honest reactions or do we look to find a deeper understanding for their reaction? We all make stupid statements or actions that we wish we could take back knowing it is too late. But did we have malice in our heart or was it an honest mistake? I believe this world is full of people quick to judge but slow to forgive when perhaps we should all practice the opposite. Let’s all be quick to forgive so we can work for the good of all and let God be the final judge.



One of my concerns regarding social media, is the proliferation of news that is not all together true. Breaking news draws attention but have you ever noticed when that same news is proven to be false or distorted? It seems the real story is not worthy of the same attention. A person who makes an outrageous statement that is later proven to be false, has still made the statement. However, the news cycle moves on to another outrageous sound bite. And the beat goes on…..

Be careful who gives you instruction or advise as the real story may be distorted by falsehoods. Epiphany is an eye opening discovery, realization or disclosure. I believe in a fair disclosure of facts. Disclosure is the action of making what was once a secret, public knowledge. I do not believe false evidence appearing real as a fair disclosure. For example, the story of the magi in Matthew, could have ended with a different result if the initial deceptive news had been accepted.

King Herod heard the story of the newborn king of the Jews by wise men from the East (magi). He heard this and was troubled. Why was he troubled? Because his authority was being threaten. He called on the magi to find the infant and report back so he too could honor him. Did he want to honor or destroy? Destruction was his main purpose. The deception may have worked if the magi believed Herod’s story. An epiphany is that moment when the story is changed by an awareness that sheds light on the real story. It is a game changer.

Epiphany is the manifestation of Christ as told in Matthew 2. I encourage you to read more and seek a full disclosure before accepting breaking news as truth.



Laws are rules particular to a community to regulate the actions of its people. If we break the laws of our land, we may very well pay a price for our actions. During this time of festivities, the danger for many may be drinking in excess. It is not too bad if we stay home but can be devastating if we take to the roads. Being under the law is not a modern idea. Moses went to the mountain to obtain basic laws to guide his people. These laws were divinely written to regulate the actions of a people drunk and disorderly. However, these laws became so distorted by human intervention, during the time of the birth of Christ, I often wander why God chose the path he took. Have you ever wandered why?

Galatians 4:4-5 states that God sent his Son, born through a woman and born under the Law to redeem those still under the Law so that we could all be adopted. Interesting that while we were still slaves under the Law, we were considered a son or daughter with full rights as heirs. It does not surprise me when I consider the options. God could have sent a night in shining armor to conquer the oppressors but wasn’t that David in an earlier time and how did that work out? Instead, God sent a baby born under the Law to grow among us, then teach us by examples and parables, then suffer an excruciating death under that same Law. Why? Please consider the sacrificial lamb more for your self. But for now just stop and rejoice in the victory of redemption.

As we celebrate entry into a new year, may we also grow in faith still living under the law but knowing who we are and whose we are.