
Laws are rules particular to a community to regulate the actions of its people. If we break the laws of our land, we may very well pay a price for our actions. During this time of festivities, the danger for many may be drinking in excess. It is not too bad if we stay home but can be devastating if we take to the roads. Being under the law is not a modern idea. Moses went to the mountain to obtain basic laws to guide his people. These laws were divinely written to regulate the actions of a people drunk and disorderly. However, these laws became so distorted by human intervention, during the time of the birth of Christ, I often wander why God chose the path he took. Have you ever wandered why?

Galatians 4:4-5 states that God sent his Son, born through a woman and born under the Law to redeem those still under the Law so that we could all be adopted. Interesting that while we were still slaves under the Law, we were considered a son or daughter with full rights as heirs. It does not surprise me when I consider the options. God could have sent a night in shining armor to conquer the oppressors but wasn’t that David in an earlier time and how did that work out? Instead, God sent a baby born under the Law to grow among us, then teach us by examples and parables, then suffer an excruciating death under that same Law. Why? Please consider the sacrificial lamb more for your self. But for now just stop and rejoice in the victory of redemption.

As we celebrate entry into a new year, may we also grow in faith still living under the law but knowing who we are and whose we are.


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