How do you measure success? Is it the amount of money in your various bank accounts? Is it the amount of land you have? Is it the amount of treasures you have accumulated here on this earth? I think none of these are good metrics for success. Instead, perhaps we should look at our life’s journey. Paul prayed for a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation that we may know God in Ephesians 1:17. I like the next verse as well about the “eyes of our heart”. I am not a doctor. That’s my daughter, lol, but I think a heart does not have eyes. Yet, do you get it? I do. We have to look at things not from our materialistic dog eat dog kind of world to a world of peace and harmony. Who cares about the treasure here on this earth when we are six feet in the ground? As we celebrate our Mothers since the below message was delivered on Mother’s Day, may we remember the gift of the Spirit of the living God to fall afresh on us all. Let us stop to smell the coffee and roses while we are still able and be guided by His Spirit.