Love of what

Have you ever wondered what makes a person function in this dog eat dog world? I believe that we all have a passion for something. Perhaps it is football, politics, work, play, TV, money, etc. I believe also that when our passions overcome our eternal love then we have gone too far. When we become more passionate to some material thing than our fundamental reasons for existence, we have gone too far. Like most of us I had a decision to make earlier this week. Should I watch the presidential debate or should I turn to the local football game? As it turned out both were losers in my opinion. My local team lost again! However, I felt the presidential debate was more important to watch. It was disappointing to see one candidate so prepared with canned responses the person looked as if I were seeing a robot where the other looked as if I were seeing an alien. Neither impressed me so on with the next debate. It occurred to me that they say what we want to hear not what we need. Did I get upset with football or politics this week? No. It is all material things that should not influence our ultimate purposes in life. When we are on our death bed, will we be asking our family who won the game? I don’t think so. We will be hoping for just one more day with our love ones. The time will come for all of us so I say make the most efficient use of your time while you have the time.

I am so excited that I will be off the grid so to speak for a month. Glad to get a break from the politics. Sometimes a change is as good as a vacation. I will take the vacation any day. I will not be publishing any sermon excerpts for the whole month of October. I may publish a few general posts about what I learn during the month but no sermons. You glad?

Anyway, back to my message of love of what? If we are passionate about something, that is okay but when we become obsessed by it that is not okay. We need to stop and do a sanity check on ourselves. After all, we cannot take it with us. Right? (Read 1 Timothy 6:6-17) We came into this world with nothing but our soul in an earthly body and we leave this world with nothing but our soul to be clothed with our heavenly body. Now, some may believe that we cease to exist so we should love what we have now and to hell with anyone else. I for one believe that is farthest from the truth. I believe we should put our love way above any earthly desires. The scripture says love of money is the root of all evil. I believe the love of money or any thing else that separates us from the heavenly master is the root of all evil. I believe grave yards are full of rich people that used money or what it could buy at the expense of others without any regard to eternity. (Read Luke 16) However, I also believe that there are rich people that used money or what it could buy to further the cause of man or woman kind. There is a huge difference. One used money for themselves on this earth whereas the other used money as an instrument of change for others while on this earth. Where do we place our treasures? It is our choice what we love. Choose wisely my friends. Listen to my brief audio below for more on this topic.


Who is your master

I have heard it said that we should keep our friends close and our enemies even closer. I have also heard that if you want to find a hypocrite, visit a church. Wow, is that too much? Did I loose you? If not, please read more. Politics in my opinion is full of hypocrisy. They say whatever the crowd present at the time wants to hear. I believe that there is a balancing act between our integrity and our ultimate purpose in life. What is our purpose in life? Well, I will not get into the details on that in this brief message but advise you to find out for yourself. Perhaps, as you read this, you may get a since of direction to find your purpose. Maybe just maybe your purpose is to be an example for others so that they can find their purpose. So I ask you, “who is your master”? Are we controlled by worldly wealth and what it can buy in this world? Are we controlled by a higher calling and use worldly wealth as a tool to make friends that along with you are welcomed into the eternal homes? One master is very temporary where one master is forever. Choose and choose wisely. Read Luke 16:9 and then back up to the beginning of this chapter for more understanding with the parable of the household manager. While you have the good book open, read about how Paul provided instructions to young Timothy prior to Paul’s demise at the hands of the Romans. (Read 1 Timothy 2:1-7 then listen to my brief audio below.) Paul started an admitted big sinner but ended his life serving the Master. Who is your Master?



Biggest sinner

My message last week was on September 11th. What is so special about that date? I hope no body ever forgets 9-11 in their hearts and in their faith journey. We should never forget those who lost their lives by the cowardice sinful acts of a group of terrorist. They were slaves to sin. Could they have been changed before it was too late or was it destined to become an unforgettable senseless act? We shall never know but let me expand on another story so you can draw your own conclusions about acts of sin. At the risk of failing to define slavery in terms we can all understand, here goes my version. Slavery is a person who is indebt to another. Slavery is not color specific, not gender specific, not ethnic specific, not political affiliation specific, not regional specific, etc. etc. Slavery in my simple mind is being obliged to dance to someone else’s tune. I have heard it said that an employer pays employees just enough to keep them from quitting where employees work just enough to keep from being fired. Is that a fair assessment? For some work relations, yes it is where perhaps really good work conditions maybe not so accurate. However, I do believe that we can all fall into a slave mentality if not careful. We can become slaves to food, drink, gambling, drugs, sex, religious ideology and any other thing that corrupts our minds and bodies and keeps us separated for the love of God. In fact, I have also heard it said that the truest definition of sin is anything that separates us from God. Take Paul for example. He claims in 1 Timothy 1:15 that he was the greatest sinner of all. He persecuted the followers of the Way because he was a slave to what he believed and acted in ignorance and without faith. Yet God choice to use him in a mighty way. Do you suppose he would also use us as instruments of faith? I believe God’s grace comes well before we are even aware of our calling. Paul’s story and ministry is well documented in his letters found in the new testament. There is one story though you may have not spent much time is reading and that is a very small book sandwiched between Titus and Hebrews called Philemon. It takes about 30 minutes to read the whole book but you may find revealing how Paul lived his life even in prison to win souls from slavery to sin. Onesimus is a run away slave who happens to have been converted by Paul who considered him a brother in Christ. Philemon was the slave owner who was also a brother in Christ through Paul’s ministry. Paul is now the intervener to reunite slave and owner into a new life’s journey to freedom. Read more and listen to my brief message if interested to find out how you may relate to this story in your life’s story.