As we celebrate this Advent season where we have parties, enjoy families and friends, may we also welcome each other, in the same way that Christ also welcomed us. He became a servant of all whether Jew or Gentile. Scripture was written long ago for all our instruction to have hope through endurance and encouragement. May we be filled with joy and peace in faith so that we overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Some of my readers may think I am too far into His message of hope but at the risk of alienating some, I encourage you to read on about fruit inspection.
John the Baptist, baptized many to change their hearts and lives. He came dressed very strange in camel’s hair with a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild honey. Would we have judged him for his appearance in today’s world? Most likely! Can we look beyond the façade into a person’s heart? Do they produce fruit that shows a change in heart and life? May we inspect the fruit that indeed shows a change in heart so that we can live a life together without judgement?Endurance, encouragement and fruit inspection. Say what? In Romans, Paul advised us to let the scripture do its magic. It is instruction so that we have hope through endurance.
Let’s consider exercising for a moment. If we live in a passive world without movement of any kind, we will have no need for muscle and our internal bodily functions will rapidly decrease leading to an early life expectancy. However, if you live in an active world with plenty of movement and exercise regularly and if we are not ravaged by disease, our muscles and internal organs will keep our body strong for a long time. It does take effort and perhaps a little pain. Without pain there is no gain. I see the need to exercise our bodies similar to our need to exercise our brains. The Scriptures are available for instruction but no book will help us if we do not endure to reading. Hope through endurance of continued exercise of our body and brain will only strengthen ourselves to meet the future with a renewed since of energy. Let us pray for those challenged by a diseased body and claim the victory through His healing Grace.
Do not know for sure how long John stayed in the wilderness? I imagine the endurance strengthen him for his mission. The mission was to enlighten a people to the changes coming. He recognized the phonies that came to impress their constituency. The Pharisees and Sadducees came to be baptized but was not willing to change. He was a fruit inspector so to speak to call them out for their hypocrisies. May we open our eyes, minds and hearts to change but may we also check the fruit on the tree that it bears good fruit.
Listen to my brief audio message below if you have time and have a very Merry Christmas.