I think the use of a crystal ball to predict your future is close to thinking the tooth ferry will bring us money. Perhaps at a young age, we can pretend but as we get older, I believe we all eventually reach a maturity where we realize it takes a little more effort to fulfill our dreams. A crystal ball is used as a fortune telling object. In my opinion, this object is nothing more than a piece of glass. Would anyone use this object to plan their future? I believe there is a distinct difference between hoping for the future and relying on an inanimate object to predict the future. Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Paul encouraged us in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 to draw on their hope of the resurrection for strength in time of mourning. We all know that death is inevitable. When that time comes, we can either embrace the moment with confidence that there is a life everlasting or end in fear there is no future. May we share the encouragement with Paul that we should not mourn as if it’s the end, but the beginning of a new existence in the Spiritual World. None of us have a crystal ball so it is absurd to not take action in planning for the future. Do you have hope?
Most of God’s creatures have a natural desire to plan or store for the winter but us humans are given a free will to plan or not. In Matthew 25:1-13 which I encourage you to read is all about preparation. In the parable of the wedding, some bridesmaids did not prepare for the long wait for the bride groom. When he arrived they were not recognize. The message is that we should plan ahead, stay alert and prepare for the inevitable. Why should we prepare if we do not believe? Thank goodness many of us do believe and can accept our everlasting future.