The word impossible means “not able to occur, exist, or be done” or “very difficult to deal with” according to google. According to Luke 1:37, “Nothing is impossible for God.” At the risk of alienating the PC crowd, I will continue.
There was a woman six months pregnant who was told by an angel, a virgin had conceived a miracle child. Do you believe in miracles? I do. Miracles happen all of the time but do we just dismiss them as someone’s imagination? As an Engineer, I can prove some things as forces within our human understanding. As a person of faith, I choose to believe that we are all on this earth for a purpose much greater than our human understanding. The revelation of a miracle may escape our understanding but does not eliminate its existence.
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and that you had time to reflect on your existence. I also hope you celebrated the story of the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ. Every year we are subjected to the commercialization of Christmas and the naysayers who claim its a hoax. We are given alternatives to Christmas by the crowd of doubters but I hope you remain strong in your faith. After all, no one invokes a name other than God in a life ending crises. Nothing is considered impossible from His perspective.
Pray for continued miracles in your life. May your New Year be filled with hope.