A day is measured according to where you exit. If you live on earth, we have approximately 24 hours in a day. What if you live on Mars? You would have an extra hour. How about if you lived on Neptune? You would loose about 8 hours from your day. If you lived on Venus, you would have over 5,800 hours more each day. Get the picture?
Sometimes we loose patience especially in this instant messenger world we live in today. Have you considered that a day is measured according to each of our perspectives on where we are in life? What if you were given a day to live? How would you spend it? I believe life is too short to spend it in anger or conflict with another. In 2 Peter 3 starting at verse 8, we are given a new perspective of a day. A day is like a thousand years according to the Lord. He is not slow to keep his promise as some may think of the concept of slowness. Instead, he is patient towards us and does not want any of us to perish but to change our hearts and lives. We are warned that the day of the Lord will come like a thief. Therefore, we should not miss a single hour, minute or second in acting according to His will. Like John the Baptist, we should prepare the way knowing we are not worthy, but willing to be used. How are we used? The how will be revealed in due time but the why is to help soften hearts and lives to seek forgiveness while there is time. If we are expecting one day we will begin to change, then we are being set up for failure. If we act now, we can rejoice in victory ourselves as well as those who will be turned by our actions. A day is limited no matter how we measure it.