Course is the route or direction followed. Course is a dish, or a set of dishes forming a meal. If the course is of a liquid, it moves without obstruction. All these definitions for course comes from good ole google. But I would like to consider the course or path of lease resistance. As a liquid moves without obstruction or sometimes around obstructions, so too can we move along the course of life to avoid resistance. That’s a good thing sometimes but all too often is an easy way out. It can lead to a dead end and no where else to turn as time runs out. As Mother’s day approaches, first off, remember your mothers and second, remember that mothers take a course of resistance to keep us safe and love us in spite of us.
Let’s take the words “love” and “hate” and consider the course these words take in our lives. Hate or hatred begins with conflict whether perceived in misunderstanding, or hurtful words, or physical action which results in a reaction. The course of hatred leads us to more conflicts, wars and destruction. The aftermath is a mess so we have to pick up the pieces and try to reconcile with a short term peace accord. Hatred is still the driving mechanism that leads us to do it all over again. The endless cycle continues until we run out of time for an ultimate reconciliation. The course of hatred is easy and can even provide some satisfaction for those seeking a win at all cost. The course of love is not so easy therefore some fail to take this course as it seems too hard.
If we take the course of love, we find ourselves in conflict with hate. Should we resist hate? If we resist hate, we have a slim chance for conflict resolution. It may take several iterations with failure as part of the final resolution but if we persist going down the course of love, the end result will be an ultimate resolution. The key to success is a two way communication with love as the driving vehicle.
A mother’s love is a close model to God’s love for all of us. Did God take the course of lease resistance when he sent his son to be sacrificed for all of us sinners? Did our mothers take the course of lease resistance when she told us time and time again no? She said no because she loved us and wanted to protect us. True love is not to be taken lightly. When we look back on our past, are we grateful for the good fruits we produced because of our parents love? In 1 John 4:7-21 the word love or loved is repeated ______ times. Your assignment if you so choose is to discover for yourself how many times repeated. I would appreciate your comments.
The repetition of love is the only way in my opinion we can counteract the natural human tendency to hate. Reference to the true vine in John 15:1-8 is another way of saying remain connected to true love that way when you produce good fruit, we prove that we are part of the ultimate solution.