It occurs to me that every waking part of our day is full of choices. We can choose to get out of bed early or lounge in bed for hours. We can choose to eat nutritious food or stuff ourselves with junk then complain why we are so fat. We can choose not to vote then complain for years why your favorite candidate did not get in or you can go vote and at least make you vote count. Your person may not win but at least you did something in the affirmative. You can choose to be a jerk and join the protestors or you can choose a more positive approach to life. You can choose a good career by taking the actions to ensure a good education that will make your chances of success much greater. You can choose to complain for the rest of you life why you did not obtain that good career blaming everyone but yourself. You can choose not to go to exciting placing on vacation for what ever reason or you can take action now to enjoy your discretionary time. You get the picture right?
One more choice you can make to me that is more important than all of the above. Who do you choose to worship? We have two choices, in my opinion. The first choice is temporary. Take food for example. We can worship what we eat until we become so overweight that disease takes over. The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of all heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes along with 40% of cancer, would be prevented if Americans stop abusing their bodies. Read “Chronic Disease: A Self Inflicted Pandemic?” at
The alternative choice to the above is explained much better than I could ever explain in Hebrews 7 starting at verse 23. Shall we concentrate our daily lives into worship of one who is holy, innocent, incorrupt, separate from sinners, and raised high above the heavens? Perhaps, this choice may cause us to work a little harder to make right daily choices. In the end, I believe will lead us to ultimate victory.
Hear my audio recorded way back in October 25th, 2015 below if you have time.