It is the seventh day or a day of rest or Saturday for the Jewish people. It is a day to refrain from work. Most Christians consider Sunday Sabbath for similar reasons. It is a tradition, I am afraid gone from our society as many people are working through days of rest. I wish we could get back to those days but unfortunately Saturday or Sunday are days many of us go shopping for groceries. Someone has to serve us at the check out lines. They have no time to rest. When we get home, we settle down to watch others work at baseball, football, golf, news, etc. My point here is that we have lost the purpose of a Sabbath. O yeah, some of us go to church but are anxious to leave after service to make use of our limited time with families. Perhaps, it is a product of so-called progress. We always have Holy Week to remind us of the important days of the week. Yeah right!
Holy Saturday is the day when all of us rested while Jesus laid in the tomb or did he? Perhaps, this Saturday was the busiest time for Jesus. While we rested, perhaps Jesus was dealing with our sins in the very depths of hell telling Satin our sins are paid in full. After his busy day paying for our sins, perhaps he met with our heavenly father to lay out plans for missions to be performed by believers in the mystery of faith. I am not reading from scripture but imaging the busy Saturday for Jesus.
Have you ever wandered why Good Friday is called good? How about Maundy Thursday? What about Saturday during Holy Week? Maundy means commandment which was given to us during the Last Supper to love each other just as he loved us. Though we may think Holy Friday was terrible, it is called “Good” because it led to the second step in the mystery of faith. First Christ died, second he was resurrected defeating death and sin. Maybe we should consider Holy Saturday good as well. In fact every day after Saturday should be consider Easter celebrating his resurrection. O yeah, do not forget the third step in the mystery that will occur someday when he returns. What day will that be? A glorious Sabbath for sure!
Happy Easter!