The outcome of our faith is the salvation of our soul. (1 Peter 1:9) Outcome is the results. The finish line. It is a consequence of our actions. Connect this definition to value which is one’s judgement of what is important in life. We are in a time where what we used to think as important, does not mean a whole lot to us now. We have shifted from incidental activities in our life to most important in our life. The consequence of our actions just a few months ago now weigh heavy on our souls for some of us. Perhaps, you have been directly impacted by this invisible storm we call COVID-19 and may say, what happened? Others, who have not been affected, as of now, may say, what is the big deal? The economy is ruin and I cannot even watch my favorite sport on TV or even play the game. All I want to do is get back to normal. Guess what! We have a new normal, at least for now, so adjust your way of thinking. What is the value of a human life? I believe that question is in the eyes of the beholder. Yes, in our free world, life is considered precious, but not all are free, so human life is not valued the same. Without getting too political, I will leave you to believe what you want. No need to point fingers at this point, as we need to focus on taking actions to improve our consequence.
I believe the scripture that tells us salvation is the finish line and our faith is the action needed to reach the favorable outcome. We reach our finish line victorious if we exercise our faith. I believe in the human race and the value of human life. Unlike, those that may only consider victory at all cost, I believe true victory is achieved when we cross the finish line, with others. We should exercise ourselves to become fit for the race and then encourage others to do the same. Can we overcome the current obstacle that is affecting us all Globally? Yes, when one falls, do we have the courage to lend a hand and a heart to pick them up? That my friend is exercising your faith. Jesus found one more to cross the finish line with him. We can too. Find strength to reach your ultimate goal arm in arm singing “When we all get to Heaven”.
My audio message below was recorded on April 26, 2014. Still relevant today. Keep on keeping on. T