I have written in the past about coincidences that make you think. Was this just a coincidence or was it more? I have even referred in the past about these events as suggested in one book I have read as a “God Wink”. Have you ever had something happen to you that is hard to explain resulting in you to question was this Divine Guidance or just a convergence of random acts? It has been said that if you do good or bad things you will live by them. That may be considered an abbreviated Law of Moses as specific to the Ten Commandments. Is the law that cut and dry? Perhaps, if we live specifically to the law and lead a righteousness life, we will die considered a righteous person deserving eternal peace. I believe there is more to it than that. I believe we need to make a connection. “Trusting with the heart leads to righteousness and confessing with the mouth leads to salvation.” (Romans 10:10) Is your heart connected to your tongue?
I am listening to an interesting book called “The Prayer Box” by Lisa Wingate where a young woman receives God’s grace through the prayer letters of an elderly woman who has just died. The young woman had two children and she is in a state of isolation on her own with little financial help. Was it a coincidence or perhaps His intervention? A God Wink!
Peter had a lot of faith. Even he was called a man of weak faith because he let fear and doubt override his faith. His connection was broken in Matthew 14:22-33. When we separate ourselves or break the connection from our trusting heart and our proclamation of the good news, we lose our faith and begin to sink into darkness. During this time of isolation and anxiety of what is happening in the world, we can become disconnected to the source of power that keeps us upright in spite our fears. Allow faith to grow in your heart and know that “all who call on the Lord’s name will be saved”. (Romans 10:13)
If you have time, listen to my brief message. Feel the comforting thoughts that you are not alone when connected to the true power source.