
Before I get into the topic of grace in the following paragraphs, I want to announce that my first book is now completely publicized. You can access my webpage at

The word grace has been mentioned in 21 of my previous blogs. I tend to use that word sometimes to simply. The word itself is simple but the interactions between us humans and divinity is a complex maze of twist and turns. Us humans, make it complex by our un-willingness to accept that we need spiritual guidance in life. Make it simple! Go on faith.

A young man witnesses another explaining the lineage of greatness while being stoned to death. The young man even holds onto the coats of the people throwing the stones. This same man later actively persecutes the followers of the greatness described earlier. Yet, somehow this same man becomes an apostle. In my opinion, we are given a free will to decide the path in life. Some of us choose a path that may lead us to pain and destruction. But, if we listen to our inner selves telling us to go another route, we can receive a very precious gift. Continue reading to find out more.

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:9-10, “I don’t deserve to be called an apostle, because I harassed God’s church. I am what I am by God’s grace, and God’s grace hasn’t been for nothing.” That my friends is Prevenient Grace which is God’s active presence in our lives. It is a gift that is always available, but we have to take a huge step of faith to go beyond a feeling of being directed into an active participant.

I have often thought of where I may be without the acceptance of His grace. His grace was present well before I knew him. It is frightening to go out on faith but the alternative is even more frightening now that I look back on my life. Once we recognize and accept that even while we were sinners Christ died for us, we can move from prevenient to Justifying grace. Our relationship with God is restored through Christ’s death. The joy is that we grow into a new creation and a faithful servant ever growing in faith.

Like Paul who received a wake-up call in the form of temporary blindness to make him turn around, many of us may go from prevenient to justifying grace and linger much longer before we are converted. When we finally reach the point that we are assured of our salvation, we reach that level called Sanctifying Grace. We can grow in sanctification toward perfection according to God’s will for our lives. We never quite reach perfection but should continue towards that higher mark.



The phrase “familiarity breeds contempt” according to a google search was first used in Chaucer’s Tale of Melibee in 1386. I believe credit should be given to an earlier time. The Gospel according to Luke 4:24 states, “I assure you that no prophet is welcomed in the prophet’s hometown.”. Jesus read from the ancient scrolls in his hometown of Nazareth. Imagine the people’s outrage that this up-start would dare to speak to them this way. He was only telling the truth that the people were thinking about themselves and not the needs of others. All of us want recognition, but few of us are willing to humble ourselves to become a blessing to others without reward. We recognize people from past familiarity but not present or future growth. Everyone was raving about Jesus and wanted him to perform specifically for them. They were familiar with him so felt they could be more demanding considering him, just Joseph’s son. That changed when he put them in their place. We should be careful of recognizing a familiar person and assuming they are the same when they have actually matured into a greater creation.

I refer you to a previous blog called “Love Is” published 2/6/16 where the gift of prophecy means nothing, without love. Jesus did not retaliate to the angry mob who wanted to throw him off the cliff. Instead, he passed through the crowd and went on his way. The anger they possessed towards him evaporated with his willingness to accept and love all of them. Grow beyond the contempt bred by familiarity in your life into a greater creation.



A change resulting from an action or other cause is the definition of effect. Cause and effect charts are created to problem solve what happens when something else happens. Safety devices are designed based on cause and effect analysis. In fact, most actions, in the commercial or social world consider cause and effect. We all witnessed a bad “no call” last weekend in the NFL between the Saints and the Rams. At least two referees missed calling pass interference which, in my opinion, caused the Saints to loose the game. We can argue coulda woulda shoulda all day long but does not change the outcome of this game. The outcome of this game will go down in history as one of the worst officiated, but the effect will no doubt lead to a rule change. The cause in this story was a no call whereas the effect will be a rule change. It does not help the Saints, but neither do many actions in life that result in bad effects. Bad effects can be mitigated by better actions or controls. How can we create a better effect?

I posted a blog June of 2017 regarding synergy which is working together for a greater effect. The interaction of two or more people, systems, substances, organizations to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of separate effects is a definition of synergy. In the infamous football game between the Saints and Rams, the NFL with all of their representation will be engaged in creating a greater effect resulting from the specific inaction of a few officials. We should look to the human body for the power of a synergistic group of systems.

In 1 Corinthians 12 starting at verse 12, Christ is just like the human body as a unit with many parts to become one body. Some parts seem weak or insignificant but are necessary for the function of the one body. None of us are able to function without one another, so why don’t we use our ambition working together to achieve a greater effect?



A natural aptitude or skill or a special ability that allows someone to do something well. That is one definition of a talent. I believe we are all given abilities whether we think special or not. Those abilities can be used to make a difference in our life and those around us, or we can choose to hide the abilities. Sad to say that many a talented person goes to their grave never revealing their potential. Perhaps, it is fear of failure or fear of success, depending on your mindset. We shall never know until we expose ourselves to public scrutiny. Sometimes, I believe many people like to observe though fearful to participate. Social media is great for people who just want to read others experiences and occasionally hit “like”. Some people send out personal stuff expecting others to like their stuff, but selfish about liking others. Talents are for sharing and it is a two way sharing experience, in my opinion.

I believe our talents can be enhanced when we practice our abilities and are guided by the Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 12 starting at verse 4, there are different spiritual gifts (talents) listed but the same Spirit. The list includes “Wisdom”, “Knowledge”, “Faith”, “Healing”, “Miracles”, “Prophecy”, “spirit discernment”, “gift of tongues” and “interpretation of tongues”. The Spirit is credited for all of these talents, but the challenge is to step out on faith allowing talents to be revealed. I accept that challenge. Will you?



Continuing to live or exist depends on many factors, in my opinion. You see reality shows with the theme of survival, but that is superficial, if you ask me. Excerpts from my first book called “Sticks and Stones” reads as follows, “Abraham Maslow wrote in 1943, “A Theory of Human Motivation” where hierarchy of needs were described. The first immediate needs for human survival are basic food, water, warmth and rest then security and safety. Once these needs are met a sense of belonging and accomplishment comes next. Finally, self-fulfillment needs can be achieved… Basic needs are essential for our very survival. The rule of threes is essential to sustain life. We cannot live without oxygen for more the 3 minutes, water 3 days, food 3 weeks and depending on the temperature in your environment most of us would not survive long.” What is my point here?

In a previous blog post back in February, 2016 called “Water, Word, Action”, I pointed out that we need water to survive, but we also need to be active. In my opinion, ultimate survival, is the combination of the act of baptism and the Word or God made flesh, living among us. In Acts 8:14-17, people were baptized in water. That was just the first step as those same people needed to receive the Holy Spirit. Even Jesus was baptized (Luke 3: 21,22), but until the Holy Spirit came down on him like a dove, there could not have been sanctification. Water without the word is just cleansing the outside body, but with the Word becomes an inner cleansing of our souls. Remember your baptism!