
It seems the older I get the more I witness lives changing around me by the loss of loved ones. My wife and I just this Friday was stepping out the door for an evening walk and just across the road a life changing event was occurring. A neighbor and friend for many years had collapsed and his mortal being was no more.

Mortality is the state of being susceptible to death. As far as I am understanding, this state applies to us all. Now, I know many movies or TV series have a theme of immortality but that is in the movies. Right? If you spend time looking at mortality rates around the world the news is quite shocking. People die from all sorts of causes but they die nevertheless. From the pharaohs of Egypt to ancient royalty, all believed they could rise above their mortal status but time proved no match for the inevitable.

During this season of Lent beginning with Ash Wednesday, many of us consider this time to contemplate our own mortalities in preparation for celebrating Easter. The first Sunday during this time we remember Jesus’ temptation by Satan and the sixth Sunday we remember the triumphal entry into Jerusalem with Palms with his subsequent passion and death. But here is where we all have victory over death. The verdict of our sins with the first Adam is reversed to an acquittal with the second Adam (Jesus Christ). Can you imagine being given a death sentence only to be reversed to an acquittal knowing full well you deserve the punishment to its fullest? Read Romans 5:16 and more for a greater understanding.

During this season of remembrance of our own iniquities, sins, failures and eventual death, look forward to the verdict of acquittal when you truly go on faith. When we are young we may challenge death with our actions but as we grow older and wiser we learn that there is really no challenge. Death will catch up to us but so too will life everlasting for those granted with the verdict of acquittal. Learn more how you can overcome to become.



The word reveal if you google it, reveals a whole host of images and meanings. The basic definition is to make known to others things that were previously unknown or secret. What is considered a secret? In legal terms it is a classification assigned to information, a document, etc. The dictionary meaning is that a secret is done, made, or conducted without the knowledge of others. If someone tells you don’t tell anybody, does your attention level immediately go up? I would venture to say most of us find it hard to keep a secret. Have you ever been told a secret that you let slip out before common knowledge? Guilty! Most people are anxious to share a secret. Why? Is it because that have power over someone else because they know something the other person does not know? Maybe it is because we are social creatures. I read a book the other day that our brains are wired to connect with each other socially. Tests have been conducted to keep our brains super active but once idle, even for a second, naturally reverts back to our social state.

Verse 9 of Matthew 17 tells us a lot about maintaining a secret and revealing it at the most opportune time. Peter, James and John has just witnessed a mountain top experience. Imagine yourself in that position and so anxious to tell the world of what you just experienced. But then you are told don’t tell anybody. Can you imagine? Have your ever been told a secret and commanded not to tell anybody until another event happened? I believe the power is in the secret and the reveal at the correct time. Have you ever seen a reality show of a home being renovated? They call the moment of sharing with the home owners the great reveal. Again, if you Google the great reveal, you will get a whole range of images, church sites, other reveals, etc.

To focus back on my message here, Jesus was transformed in front of 3 of his disciples on a mountain and there appeared also Moses (the 1st great law maker) and Elijah (the 1st great prophet). Can you imagine the excitement of those witnessing this transfiguration? I am sure they were so anxious to share the secret. The site of Elijah meant, his coming. But Jesus knew he had already arrived and if the populous heard this news the timing would have been all wrong. Are you confused? If so, read past verse 9 for more reveal. It is all about timing of the reveal of a secret that makes the difference. John the Baptist was a voice in the wilderness. Look what they did to him. Jesus knew that if the secret got out too soon, they would do the same to him. He commanded Peter, James and John to wait before revealing the mountain top experience. Perhaps, we could learn from this story in our personal lives. The power is in the telling at the right time. The secret should remain a secret until the correct time of the reveal. Those that are intended to be told so that they will believe deserves to be told in due time according to His timing not ours.

I encourage you to read more scripture on this subject and listen to my brief message below about the mystery of faith and the power in the secret revealed.



This building is located in Melbourne, Australia. Does anyone know its name and why it was built? Can you imagine its foundation?

A builder starts with a solid (blank). You fill in the blank. Is it a) state TV b) budget or c) Foundation. If you chose c) then next question is what makes a good foundation? If you chose a) or b) then stop reading as this topic may be beyond your comprehension.

Paul was talking to the people in 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 about laying a foundation like a wise master builder. Each person needs to pay attention to the way they build on top of that foundation. Once the foundation is laid then the rest of the work is following the correct specifications to build an awesome building. The ultimate master builder is Jesus Christ. Any other professing master builder knows they must follow the correct specifications. What is the correct specifications or ingredients to build a fulfilling life? I believe the answer can be found in Matthew 5:38-48. Jesus referred to the laws in a different way. An eye for an eye or tooth for a tooth was explained to say if you are slapped turn your cheek. Instead of loving your neighbor and hating your enemies, love your enemies and pray for those who harass you for if you love those who only love you then what reward do you have? In my opinion, perhaps an enemy is just a person whom you have not met or understood yet. Love is the main ingredient to build a solid foundation according to the master builder. The world, life, death, things in the present, things in the future belong to the master builder. Our job is to erect the building with the same spirit that lives in us all. Remember, it is not all about you. Instead, I believe, it is all about how God’s spirit who lives in all of us.



Are we living by human standards or guided by spiritual standards? Intentional versus random acts. Is it possible?

From a Google source, there is a difference between random versus intentional as follows, “An intentional action is one that is deliberate as opposed to random or accidental.” I believe random acts of kindness is very possible as long as we have a spiritual standard.

Are we living by Human Standards? Paul spoke of people acting unspiritual to one another. They were jealous and fought among themselves. They were living by human standards. Sound familiar!

Perhaps we should learn to live by Spiritual standards. Can we grow seeds? No! All we can do is plant those seeds in fertile soil where there is proper sunshine, water the seeds to prevent dehydration and a miracle is possible by seeing that seed grow to maturity. That is how I see the miracle of faith. We are coworkers in God’s field. Only God can make the seeds grow. So why don’t we follow his standards?

There is a portion of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 that teaches us to understand human standards per spiritual standards. Murder is wrong but so is anger to a brother or sister. It is good to give without conditions but not good to give with anger in our hearts or conditional purpose for our gift. Adultery is wrong but so is lusting after another in our hearts. It is wrong to lie or bear false witness or give a false pledge? We should follow through with our pledge. Let your yes mean yes and no mean no. Your handshake should be your solemn vow or agreement. In some areas of this world, a handshake is still a sign of solidarity and mutual respect. For example, in Switzerland it is customary for students to shake the hands of their teachers at the beginning and end of the school day. This tradition encourages the right classroom atmosphere. Perhaps, we should all look at what we consider to be our standards and compare them to a higher spiritual standard. It is never too late to adjust our human behavior to align ourselves per a spiritual standard.

Once we have a spiritual alignment, void of human distractions , random acts of kindness is possible as we will be pure in heart.


Slice or Draw?

I confess that I will never be a good golfer. No matter how much I try to play the techniques required to be a good golfer escape me. However, it does not stop me from enjoying a day with friends to share a laugh or two and perhaps solve a few of the world’s most pressing challenges. NOT! But we can have a good discussion regardless if the solution is beyond our capabilities. There are a few things about golf I have learned along the way. Number one, is to keep your eye on the ball during your swing. If not, the ball may go nowhere or go where you do not want it to go. Number two, is to keep your stance and club face square to the ball. If the face is open, the ball may have some sidespin and travel left to right rather than traveling straight. This is called a slice. If the face is closed meaning turned more inward, the ball has minimal sidespin and may travel right to left which is called a draw. I have learned that my swing tends to either go straight or slice to the right. That is not too bad for me if I keep my eye on the ball. Most of the courses I have played supports a path to the right instead of the left. The left usually has loads of trees and a lot of challenges. Most likely will hit a tree and the ball bounces totally out of bounds or the ball gets lost in the forest. I have found it is much better to go right where it appears to me I have a better chance of reaching my goal of par. I try to be consistent by hitting the ball straight as I would rather be center neither right or left. In life, as in golf, I believe it is better to stay focused on the ball keeping a square stance then my chances of success will be improved.