
In 2011, I lost my mother to this world. Seven years earlier, I lost my father. Since this time, I have been interested in the significance of the number seven. Perhaps, it is just a number, but this number has many things that make it unique. The seven Spirits of God are mentioned four times in the Book of Revelation. Chapter 1 verse 4, John addresses the seven churches in the province of Asia then again refers to the seven spirits before Jesus’ throne. Revelation Chapter 3:1 refers to the seven spirits and seven stars. Chapter 4:5 relates seven lamps to the seven spirits. Finally, in chapter 5:6 the slain lamb with seven horns and seven eyes meaning the seven spirits of God. In the Book of Isaiah each Spirit is named. There is also reference to the seven graces in Romans 12:6-8. My question is what is the significance of the number seven and why so many times it gets referenced?

There is seven days in a week. Seven represents unity between the Holy Trinity and four areas of the world. There are seven wonders of the world. Even the Koran mentions seven heavens. Muslims walk around the Kaaba in Mecca seven times. Hinduism believe in seven higher worlds and seven underworlds. Buddhism’s Buddha as a newborn rises and takes seven steps. It is associated with luck and magical properties. It matches our memory capacity and attention spans. It is considered a unique prime number. It is the most popular number. It is considered significant in the cycle of life. Finally, it represents a sense of fullness or completeness and perfection. This hit my emotional button at the time of my mom’s passing as it seemed to me closure or sense of completion. Regarding memory capacity and attention span, have you ever noticed phone numbers are made up of seven numbers, not counting the area code, as we have difficulty retaining much more in one memory experience? What does all this mean? I believe that we should look closely at these seven spirits and strive to be Christlike. How do we do that? Read on.

Isaiah 11:1 prophesied that the Lord would come from the stump of Jesse and bear fruit. Verses 2-3 listed the seven spirits as spirit of the Lord, spirit of wisdom, of understanding, of counsel, of power, of knowledge, and of fear of the Lord. And he would take delight in knowing this fear. These seven spirits defined the human presence of the divinity namely Jesus Christ. Can we match the spirits of the Lord? No, but in Romans 12:6-8, we learn we have different gifts according to the grace given to us. These graces are prophecy, in proportion to our faith; ministry, in service to others; instruction, in teaching others; encouragement, in exhortation to others; generosity, in giving to others; leadership, in guidance to others; compassion, in mercy to others. All these gifts of grace are important and some of us possess many of these gifts while some of us fall short. Maybe we have given up in this polarized world? Maybe, we do not realize we have these gifts. It appears to me that Isaiah reference to the Spirit of the Lord is specific to the One to come where in Romans it is for you and me. We can be Christlike and strive for all seven as we attempt to be perfect like Christ. If we do not try, we may not know our full potential. Jesus is the perfect score card that we should all attempt to reach. Let’s take each of the seven attributes one at a time.

Isaiah’s number one being Spirit of the Lord remains number one and defines our Savior. Number two is wisdom where Romans offer the grace of insight. Have you ever had a premonition? I believe a wise person listens first, discerns what they hear, then speaks with a prophetic understanding. Spirit number three is understanding matches up with the grace of helpfulness. Because a wise person speaks with a prophetic understanding the ability to have a servant’s heart to help not hinder growth in others. Number four counsel and the grace of a teacher’s heart continues the growth of others beyond your instruction. Number five power and the grace of encouragement turns those who were once weak into a stronger being. The sixth Spirit of knowledge makes the grace of generosity multiply ten, hundred and thousand-fold. The seventh spirit of Fear of the Lord makes our grace gift of leadership so much more credible. Who wants to follow someone that pretends to be fearless? Finally, the delight in knowing this fear of the Lord match perfectly with the gift of compassion. How can we be compassionate or have mercy on another, if we do not believe a higher power than us shows compassion and mercy for us? If we fear the Lord but rejoice in knowing this fear makes us submit, we can live in peace that ultimately, we are not in charge. What a blessing and mighty Lord we serve!

Footnotes: You might recognize that the spirits listed in Isaiah do not match exactly with Romans’ gifts. Theologians over centuries have added Piety as attribute number six. The set of seven now are commonly known as the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. They are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. While some Christians accept these as a definitive list of specific attributes, others understand them merely as examples of the Holy Spirit’s work through the faithful.

An alternative view is that the seven graces (“charisma”) of Romans 12:6–8 reflect the seven spirits of God. The Holy Spirit manifests in humankind through these graces, reflecting the seven spirits of God. The seven graces are: 1. insight (prophecy); 2. helpfulness (service or ministry); 3. instruction (teaching); 4. encouragement; 5. generosity (giving); 6. guidance (leadership); and 7. compassion. This agrees with Isaiah 11:2–3 if “the Spirit of the Lord” is recognized as categorical and “the delight in the fear of the Lord” is added. (Isaiah 11:3, Berean Study Bible)

Think of yourself as a sculpture in progress towards perfection where our Creator chips away our hard spots to form a beautiful work of art as we strive to achieve a perfect seven.



Brevynym for Episode 6: The West Country[i], the Baltic[ii], one step into Wales[iii] and the modern-day Trafalgar. A brevynym according to my brain, is a sentence that reveals a bigger story using key words of previous stories.

This episode briefly explores journeys in the past that you can click on the above to read more plus an insight to Vice-Admiral Nelson’s victory with a modern comical twist. First, let me also preface this story to give credit to my father-in-law, Ken Clark, who has journeyed on to eternal peace. In clearing out his files in the attic for my mother-in-law, we found an interesting handwritten note titled, “The Modern Day Trafalgar”. Read through the end of this episode to his fictional dialog between Vice-Admiral Nelson and Flag Captain Hardy commanding HMS Victory during the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. If you have some Naval background you may pick up some jargon, find it funny, politically incorrect in today’s world, but also revealing to the man’s talent for storytelling. Enjoy this episode as you journey with me back in time.

I believe when we go back in time, we learn how our present time is shaped by our past, giving us insight, to our future. Let me start with the West Country. From the town of Exeter in Devon through the new forest, where sheep and ponies roam free, you discover the Jurassic coast to find treasured fossils. In Exeter, St Catherine’s Almshouses was bombed during WWII and now serves as a reminder to the brave soldiers who fought for our freedom. Widdecombe in the Moor is a village steeped in history and famous all over the world for Widdecombe fair, Uncle Tom Cobley and all. Sir Francis Drake’s Buckland Abby Barn reveals Andrew Logan’s Cosmic Egg. The story of Francis Drake’s life is extraordinary from a meek farmer’s boy dreaming of being on a ship to a master commander who helped stop the Spanish invasion of England in 1588. He had previously been very successful in Spanish raids as payback for their attack on his vessel in 1567. More than two hundred years later, Admiral Nelson was still fighting for superiority of the seas. As we leave the West Country to make the connections in the Baltic area, know that we are all on our own individual journeys of life. Some roads take us to no end while others take us to a lifetime of memories and perhaps fame in the process of living.

In Belgium the city of Zeebrugge is a gateway to the medieval city of Ghent. Amazingly, this city was spared bombing during World War II, thus sparing the magnificent ancient buildings from destruction. The city is home of a 14th century belfry, St Michael’s Bridge, St Bavo’s Cathedral, and the 15th century artwork called the “The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb”. The region of Flanders was made famous from 1915 publication of poem “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae during World War I. From Belgium, next stop is Denmark traveling by sea up to the Oresund Strait separating Denmark from Sweden into the Baltic Sea to Copenhagen and a fishing village called Dragor reminiscent of Viking days. The connection between Admirals Nelsen and Hardy goes back to 1801 and the first battle of Copenhagen. It seems all history somehow eventually intersects. From Copenhagen to Stockholm to Estonia, Russia, Finland through the Baltic Sea back to Poland the connection of historical events continues. None of us are immune from events of history that shapes our existence.

Lao Tzu said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. The single step this time is into Wales. The one step reveals the superiority of ship building resulting from the dominance of British Naval might won from the victory at Trafalgar. In Bristol there is an old steel constructed ship called the ”SS Great Britain”. SS stands for steam ship and was a marvelous specimen of engineering designed by Brunel. His designs also included the suspension bridge over the Avon. His ship’s design included first screw propeller which became the standard for proceeding iron ships. It sailed many times to Australia and America before a damaged mast ended her career. She was relocated back to her construction dock after 127 years of service in 1970 and now on permanent display for generations to see. Could the advancement of modern ships have been possible without superiority of the seas? Perhaps, but technology may have been a casualty of concentrated war efforts. The overwhelming victory over the French and Spanish on 21 October 1805 gave the Royal Navy its most famous triumph and confirmed a long tradition of naval supremacy. Now that Britain commanded the seas inventors were allowed to create on behalf of commerce not war. This historic marine conflict was fought off the Cape of Trafalgar, offshore from Cadiz, Spain, with forces from Spain and France clashing with Britain. The Battle of Trafalgar made Lord Horatio Nelson one of Britain’s most famous war heroes. Now 211 years later, the day is still marked every year on October 21. Viscount Horatio Nelson who was shot and died of his wounds at the moment of his greatest victory. Prior to this famous battle, Nelson was already making his mark through many quotes that are now repeated by various leaders on or off the battle fields. Below is a summary of this famous battle.

Napoleon Bonaparte planned to invade Britain in the summer of 1805 but needed to gain control of the English Channel. He ordered the French fleet to create a blockaded at various ports, meet in West Indies and then return as one fleet with Spain to gain control of the Channel. The Spanish left for the West Indies, but Nelson pursued and stopped them in Cadiz, Spain. At the end of September, Nelson took his fleet of 27 ships, split them into two columns and planned to break through the enemy line.

On 19 October the Franco-Spanish fleet was trying leave the harbor and head for the Mediterranean, so the chase was on. By dawn on 21 October the British fleet was only 9 miles away from the enemy. By noon the HMS Victory hoisted the famous signal ‘England Expects That Every Man Will Do His Duty’ followed by ‘Engage the enemy more closely’. The two columns led by HMS Victory and HMS Royal Sovereign successfully pierced the enemy line firing into the bow and stern of enemy ships as they passed between them.

Victory was won by the skill of the brave sailors and the brilliance of Nelson. The total number of killed and wounded on both sides was about 8,500 whilst the British took about 20,000 prisoners. Nelson himself had been shot by a musket ball and died when victory was assured.

The era of British naval supremacy brought about by the victory at Trafalgar lasted for a century until Germany’s naval challenge in the first decade of the Twentieth Century.

Now that you have read a little of the history enjoy my recently discovered handwritten satire from Mr. Kenneth H. Clark

“The Modern Day Trafalgar”

Nelson-Order the signal[1] Hardy

Hardy- Aye Aye Sir

Nelson-Hold on, that’s not what I dictated to the signal officer. What’s the meaning of this?

Hardy-Sorry Sir!

Nelson-(Reading aloud) England expects every person to do his duty, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious persuasion, or disability. What gobbledygook is this?

Hardy-A diversity policy, I’m afraid, Sir we are an equal opportunity employer now. We had the devil’s own job getting ‘England’ passed the censors lest it is considered racist.

Nelson-Gadzooks, Hardy, hand me my pipe and tobacco.

Hardy-Sorry Sir, all naval vessels have been designated smoke free working environments.

Nelson- In that case, break open the rum ration. Let us slice the main brace to steel the men before battle.

Hardy-The rum ration has been abolished Admiral. It’s part of the government’s policy on binge drinking.

Nelson-Good heavens Hardy. Suppose we had better get on with it full speed ahead.

Hardy-I think you will find that there is a 4-knot speed limit in this stretch of water.

Nelson-Damn it man! We are on the end of the greatest sea battle in history. We must advance with all dispatch. Report from the crow’s nest please.

Hardy-That won’t be possible sir.


Hardy-Health and Safety has closed the crow’s nest sir. No harness and they said the rope ladder doesn’t meet regulations. They won’t let anyone up there until proper scaffolding can be erected.

Nelson-Then get me the ship’s carpenter right without delay Hardy.

Hardy-He’s busy knocking up a wheelchair the castle Admiral.

Nelson-Wheelchair access? I’ve never heard of anything so absurd.

Hardy-Health and Safety again sir. Have to provide a barrier free environment for the differently disabled.

Nelson-Differently disabled? I’ve only one arm and one eye and I refuse even to hear mention of the word[2]. I didn’t rise to the rank of Admiral by playing the disability card.

Hardy-Actually sir you did. The Royal Navy is underrepresented in the areas of visual impairment wound deficiency.

Nelson-Whatever next? Give me full sail. The salt spray beckons.

Hardy-A couple of problems there too sir. Health and Safety won’t let the crew up to rigging without hard hats and they don’t want anyone breathing in too much salt. Haven’t you seen the adverts?

Nelson-I’ve never heard such infancy. Break out the cannon and tell the men to stand by to engage the enemy.

Hardy-The men are a bit worried about shooting at anyone Admiral.

Nelson-What? This is mutiny!”

Hardy-It is not that Sir. They are afraid of being charged with murder if they actually kill anyone. There is a couple of legal aid lawyers on board watching everyone like hawks.

Nelson-Then how are we to sink the Frenchies and the Spanish?

Hardy-Actually Sir we’re not.

Nelson-We’re not?

Hardy-No sir the Frenchies and the Spanish are our European partners now. According to the Common Fisheries policy we shouldn’t even be in this stretch of water. We could get hit with a claim for compensation.

Nelson-But you hate a Frenchman as you hate the devil[3].

Hardy-I wouldn’t let the ship’s diversity coordinator hear you saying that sir. You’re on disciplinary!

Nelson-You must consider every man an enemy, who speaks ill of your king[4].

Hardy-Not anymore sir. We must be inclusive in this multicultural age. Now put on your Kevlar vest. It’s the rules, it could save your life.

Nelson-Don’t tell me health and safety. Whatever happened to rum, sodomy, and the lash?

Hardy-As I explained sir. Rum is off the menu! And there’s a ban on corporate punishment.

Nelson-What about sodomy?

Hardy-I believe that is now kept sir.

Nelson-In that case, kiss me Hardy[5].

Please click onto the below links to learn more about Vice-Admiral’s connection with Lord Nelson and his famous quotes.

Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Masterman Hardy, 1st BaronetGCB (5 April 1769 – 20 September 1839) was a Royal Navy officer. He took part in the Battle of Cape St Vincent in February 1797, the Battle of the Nile in August 1798 and the Battle of Copenhagen in April 1801 during the French Revolutionary Wars. He served as flag captain to Admiral Lord Nelson, and commanded HMS Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar in October 1805 during the Napoleonic Wars. Nelson was shot as he paced the decks with Hardy, and as he lay dying, Nelson’s famous remark of “Kiss me, Hardy” was directed at him. Hardy went on to become First Naval Lord in November 1830 and in that capacity refused to become a Member of Parliament and encouraged the introduction of steam warships.

England expects that every man will do his duty – Wikipedia

TOP 25 QUOTES BY HORATIO NELSON (of 54) | A-Z Quotes (

[1] England expects that every man will do his duty – Wikipedia

[2] “I have only one eye, I have a right to be blind sometimes… I really do not see the signal!” ~ Horatio Nelson

[3] “Treat every Frenchman as if he was the devil himself.” ~ Horatio Nelson

[4] “You must consider every man your enemy who speaks ill of your King, and you must treat every Frenchman as if he were the Devil himself.” ~ Horatio Nelson

[5] “Thank God I have done my duty. Drink, drink. Fan, fan. Rub, rub. Kiss me, Hardy.” ~ Horatio Nelson




Big Lies

“And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not stand.” (Mark 3:25) Replace the word house with nation, kingdom or even world the meaning is similar. Did anyone take the time to acknowledge D-Day? Yes, but sadly not enough in my opinion. Did you know during the invasion, the casualty rate was 50%? On the actual day of June 6th, 1944, over 4,000 allied soldiers died and many of those were due to drowning trying to reach the shores of Normandy. One of those soldiers who survived to fight on was my wife’s uncle. I shared his story in my new book “A Chime in Time”.  May we all pause and collectively thank those who paid the price for our freedom from the Nazi aggression. The world was certainly divided then, and I fear even today. What is the difference between Nazis and Germans? One was a political movement while the other are the people of a nation. I think we all need to understand that we should be in control of our political process in a free society. May we not fall victims of any political party’s big lie over the alternate big lie. One thing I feel is for sure and that is they all lie to win votes of those ignorant to the price of freedom. You can find books, films, etc., on big lies throughout history. First off, what is the definition of a lie? There are two definitions. One is to remain in a specific state like a person lies down for a rest. The second is to be misled or deceived by statistics, false narratives, or specific groups sharing lies to influence votes, etc.

The earth is flat. Do you believe that lie? There is a society of folks who believe that satellite photos of the earth appearing to be a sphere is a conspiracy orchestrated by NASA and other agencies. Without satellites how can we be sure the earth is not flat? Plato (427-347 BC) taught his students that Earth was a sphere but had no solid proof. Aristotle (384-322 BC) was one of Plato’s students also believed because different stars could be seen in different regions of the world. Archimedes, Eratosthenes and then 1700 years later Christopher Columbus believed the earth was round not flat. These great people were all criticized for their belief. By Columbus’ time, most educated people believed that the world was round instead of flat so why is their doubt even today? It takes sometimes many centuries and scientific development to debunk a big lie. However, there will always be people who believe otherwise.

Man did not walk on the moon. Really? I remember a teacher long ago telling me that it was a hoax again orchestrated by NASA and the political folks of the time trying to distract us from other news. Sound familiar in today’s polarized world?

In Wikipedia, there is a phrase called “Holocaust denial” which “is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that asserts the Nazi genocide of Jews, is a myth …” How could anyone believe this big lie when the accepted figure from historical evidence leads to an estimate of 5-6 million Jews murdered in the concentration camps. The term big lie was a German expression coined by Adolf Hitler originally claiming the Jews used the propaganda technique to blame the loss of World War 1 on General Erich Ludendorff. The Nazis used same technique against the Jews. (Big Lie on Wikipedia) Some of our political leaders today prefer to eliminate historical facts to encourage a false narrative or perpetuate other big lies. Let me leave you with a few falsities. You can decide for yourself which big lie you want to accept as truth. As for me, I would rather know the truth and the truth will make me free. (John 8:32)

Falsities as follows: 1. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. 2. Read my lips: no new taxes. 3. He is an illegitimate president, and he stole the Election. 4. He won because the election was rigged. Hint: The answer to 3 and 4 is not the same person.  Let us not keep perpetuating the Big Lie.



What is the meaning of a friend? A google definition states “a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection…”. Okay, but do you know the people you call friends on your social media sites? You may know of them, but do you really consider them with a bond of mutual affection? The answer to that question, if we are truly honest, is no. So why do we have this fixation on establishing lots of friends on social media instead of building true friendships? Perhaps, the answer is in our awkwardness to communicate or open ourselves up to another individual. Perhaps, we just want to be part of the media “like” community whether the people like you or not. It is easy to push a few buttons and think you have a great relationship with friends. It is hard to actually talk with another, spend time with that person, learn what you have in common, learn your differences, and establish a bond based on fondness towards each other. A true friend is someone you are willing to talk with and spend quality time doing fun things together. A true friend is someone who may shed a tear or two with you during sad times. Now, I am not insinuating a sexual relation, but mutual affection or interest that binds you. Can you remember those friends maybe in the past, or if lucky, still in your life that means so much to you? That my friend, is a true friend.

In biblical terms the name Theophilus is of Greek origin meaning “friend of God”. Without getting into the theories whether Theophilus was a person or an honorary title meaning friend of God, I like the idea. Luke and Acts refer to Theophilus so I like the message to anyone claiming to be a friend of God. What if, instead of the author(s) of Luke and Acts using the word Theophilus, friend of God, is used. Luke then in its introduction to the gospel in 1:3,4 may read, “Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account to you, most excellent friend of God, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.” Acts 1:1,2 may read, “In the first book, friend of God, I wrote about all that Jesus did and taught from the beginning until the day when he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen.” Imagine now speaking to your true friends as if they too were equal friends of God. Do you think you may have a everlasting friendship established that would bind us together into a common goal? Enjoy your true friendships and may He give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know Him. (Ep 1:17)



Tick-Tock is the sound of a large clock ticking or possibly the measure of time running out. I have just released my third book called “A Chime in Time” and can be purchased online. Click onto and enjoy my journey back in time from WWI, WWII, and the Space Race. What was their purpose and how did time measure their progress achieving that purpose?

My wife and I recently joined two other couples to travel byways of North Louisiana exploring the past. It was very enlightening especially after my recent book on history and why events shape our very existence. Enjoy the glimpse of nearby areas full of history from early part of this past century all the way back to 1800BC.

Our journey started traveling up to Central Louisiana on I 49 to near Alexandria where we turned West through a beautiful drive full of garden nurseries to the Southern Forest Heritage Museum in Long Leaf, Louisiana. Long Leaf depot was built about 1906 to connect the railroad systems carrying passengers and raw material, mostly timber, to build our country. We explored the huge saw mill that is now a monument to the past expansion. That mill along with many around the area provided lumber to support housing construction and when needed, War efforts. Some of that lumber went to support the landing craft, vehicle, personnel (LCVP) known as the Higgins boat constructed during WWII in New Orleans. The Saw Mill walking and train tour along with the remnants of past wars in the museum make the trip well worth the drive.

We continued up I 49 through Shreveport and the next day drove some of the “Boom or Bust Byway” stopping at the Louisiana State Oil & Gas Museum in Oil City. Unfortunately, the museum was closed for repairs, but we did get a nice look at the outside displays. More about the bust byway later. Next stop was the Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Museum.

Imagine a young man arrested and being transformed from a schoolboy to a rattlesnake. That was the impression of one of Clyde Barrow’s inmate buddies at Eastham Camp 2 in 1930. This so-called camp was more of a hell hole. It was part of the Texas Prison System named as the worse in the nation at the time. Clyde was paroled in 1932 by the Texas Governor. The two years of hard prison time changed him forever. He could not get legitimate work because of his prison time so became increasingly bitter. He told his mother that they would have to kill him before he would ever go back to prison. Eventually, his own prophecy came true on a highway about 8 miles from Gibsland, Louisiana where he and Bonnie were ambushed by six Law Officers on May 23rd, 1934 at 9:15 a.m. Bonnie met Clyde in January 1930 and a deep intense love developed between the two. Two weeks later Clyde was in jail where Bonnie visited him often. While he was at McClelland County jail in Waco, Texas, she smuggled a gun to him. He and two others escaped. The rest of the story has been immortalized in film and pictures that you can see at the museum. Bonnie seemed to be prophetic as well leaving a number of clues in poems of their future demise.

Next stop for us was to view the journey of a German group of 300 immigrates escaping religious persecutions in 1831 led by Count Leon. They first tried to blend in with the Harmony Society in Economy, Pennsylvania, but decided to continue with some of the Harmony Society to form the New Philadelphia Society. That lasted until 1833 until they moved again this time way down South to Grand Ecore, Louisiana establishing the “new Jerusalem” society. The count died of Yellow Fever in 1934. Flood struck their settlement so the Countess Leon led her people to high ground up the Red River to settle in the hills near the modern day town of Minden. Their settlement called “Germantown” can be visited showing some of the buildings including the Countess’ cottage. From Germantown, we drove North of Minden to get back on the “Boom or Bust Byway” . We drove past Blackburn, Shongaloo, Sarepta, before stopping at Plain Dealing. Plain Dealing has a huge antique vendor’s store so we had to stop and shop before resting for the night. The next day was all about antiques and food at Jefferson, Texas. The town is full of history, but we spent most of our day seeing the old, mixed with not-so-old things, in this beautiful Texas town.

Our last stop in our journey of the past reveals an ancient past of a Hunter/Gatherer settlement dating back as far as 1800BC called “Poverty Point”. Apparently, the James Gang visited Poverty Point as well, but were not looking for a historical site rather a good hide out. Poverty Point is located near Epps, Louisiana just off I 20 between Monroe and Vicksburg. You can drive around to see the Indian mounds or hike for a few hours to see it all. Mound A can be walked up and is about 165 foot high and appears to be shaped like a bird in flight. Archeologists do not know for sure what it was. It appears to represent a status symbol to reinforce the social relationships with the community plus demonstrate power and wealth to outsiders. They think it was built after 1400BC and may have taken as little as 91 days to build. Must have been a huge dedicated work force!

This is a little glimpse of a five day trip into history in Louisiana. Imagine what else can be seen. An old clock is a mechanism to measure time one Tick-Tock at a time. A clock is made to last and may last beyond its maker. Unlike a clock, us humans are also made with precision, but cannot out last our maker. Our time is indeed limited on this earth to so many Tick-Tocks. Let us make the most of each precious moment in our lives until we become part of history. Peace to you. T