The Harvester

This is my second message on Independence Day! As we celebrate independence, I hope you recognize we are all interdependent meaning we are dependent on each other to survive. Okay, what does that mean? It means that we cannot survive without reliance on each another. We can claim to be one of those survivalist who stock pile food, water and enough weapons to fend off an army but eventually we must rely on each other. I contend that we must also be guided by a power much greater than mere humans. My concern with our march into new worlds of progress is that we choose to strip off our interdependence with that higher power. Call it what you wish but I will call him the great I Am. I recommend a book I recently read not to plug the book but to offer an alternative to those who may wonder about divine intervention. Without ruining the story line, I encourage the reader to read beyond the mere story into the real story of redemption. The book is called “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers if you choose to explore its contents and how we are all given saving grace to survive in this hostile world.

My topic on Caution to the Harvester is about patience, doing what we are called to do and doing them for the right reasons. Advice given to the Galatians in chapter 6 seems to be full of common sense such as treating people with gentleness, carrying each other’s burdens and being happy with simply doing good without reward. These are all attributes of freedom to be what we are intended to be. Sow good things to be able to harvest a plentiful crop of goodness. If planting bad seeds, then bad crops are to be expected from our efforts. So why not realize this simple truth and be careful what we sow. In Luke, chapter 10, it is said that the “harvest is bigger than you can imagine, but there are few workers”. The Lord commissioned many with strict instructions to go humbly to share the good news knowing that they would meet resistance. They were told to share with those who were willing to hear but dust off their feet to those who wouldn’t. Good advice!

Perhaps, as we celebrate our independence but recognize our interdependence with each other and the great I Am, we should take the good advice found in the scripture to sow good seeds in order to harvest good crops and to be happy with the simplicity of sharing with those who will listen as we travel along life’s path.

Listen to my very brief message below and read for yourself the miracles of His redeeming love.



Freedom vs Slavery

Happy independence day! Whether you are remembering the great sacrifices of those who fought for our freedom and made America great or celebrating independence wherever you are, remember freedom is not a free pass.

Paul spoke to the Galatians about freedom. He advised not to let freedom be an opportunity to indulge in selfish impulses. Selfish desires go against the Spirit. We can easily be corrupted by what freedom offers but freedom opposes slavery in all forms. We should guard our gift of freedom against all temptations to fall back into bondage. Galatians 5:13 warns us of misguided opportunities freedom allows. Whole countries in history have celebrated what they thought was freedom only to become slaves in another form. There is a partial list in Galatians 5:19 produced by selfish motives. Can you find one of these on the list that has set you into bondage? If not, look into your past to perhaps areas where you were free but fell into bondage when you did not keep your guard up. The opposite to this list can also be found in verse 22 which lists the fruit of the Spirit.

Your choice! Happy freedom day to you all.



History was made in the year 1066. Anyone other than my British connections know why? Okay, I will let you know. The Battle of Hastings in October led to on Christmas Day, 1066, William being crowned the first Norman King of England in Westminster Abbey. Some may say this was the beginning of the British Empire. Now, before I get hammered for getting my facts historically incorrect, I stand corrected if slightly off target. But what about Brexit today? Britain exited the European Union this day, June 24, 2016. Now, I have heard that today marks the beginning of the end for the British Empire. On the other hand, some say they are now much stronger by declaring their independents. Didn’t the USA declare independents in 1776 or dare we forget? I am excited that today we witnessed a historical event and I for one say good for you Britain. I hope you all the best in your decision. I look forward to this country becoming more involved in our own history as we celebrate our independence. May we never forget our history and the price we paid for our freedom.


What is more valuable?

This post is about pigs. We are all possessed from time to time with our own demons or are you so perfect that you disagree? Look in the mirror! Our demons may vary but I believe we all possess a little evil which is why I believe we should stay focused on being made righteous. How? My last post questioned how we are being made righteous. Is it by our efforts, opinions, law or by our faith? If your confused, then suggest you read more into this topic in Galatians 2 and 3. However, for this post, I would like to stay on the pigs. A man was possessed by many demons. His name was “Legion”. I believe a movie with that name was made. Though not on subject but have you ever wondered why so many movies come out with a demonic theme? I believe because it is very marketable to the curious public. It seems we all have a curiosity towards the evil within. Anyway, back to Legion. He was a real mess. Not the man but the demons within the man. Then he was released from the demons. Where did the demons go? Into the pigs. Were the pigs more valuable than the man? Perhaps, the pigs were used for a better good. What if you owned those pigs and saw them drawn in the water would you be happy about losing your livelihood? I suspect not. So what do you think. What is more valuable the man or the woman saved from a retched existence or business as usual?

Read Luke 8 starting at verse 26 and form your own opinion then listen to my brief message below.


work or faith

We all have a certain belief founded perhaps on what we have learned from our parents or what we have learn from our peers or just the “school of hard knocks”. To put it harshly, we are all entitled to our own stupid opinions. Right? Well not really when it will harm another or break a law. But sometimes, in my opinion, the law or the perceived norm needs to be challenged from time to time. In this modern day of 24-hour news releases, we tend to form a quick opinion that suits our belief system and get passionate about one view over another. I question often the validity of what I hear and attempt to balance what I hear with what I believe. It is not always easy to filter through all of the media noise around us to get to a reasonable conclusion in order to establish an opinion based on our core values. Am I the only one confused with the constant barrage of points of view? Are we made righteous by what we believe to be true through this world’s laws and talking points? Or are we made righteous by our submission to a higher power? Galatians 2:16 says that we are made righteous by the faithfulness of Christ and not by the works of the Law. The story of a woman from the city labeled a sinner did a great service by washing Jesus’ feet with her tears only to be chastised by a prominent man from that same city that was only interested in fame and prestige. Who was more righteous? Read further in Luke 7 and 8 to find out for yourself. Listen to my very brief message below as well.