First, Last, Doubters, Believers

Dreamers have a vision that far exceeds what the human eyes can see. Dreamers succeed in life when they convert those dreams into a plan. They work the plan anticipating failure but refusing to accept failure as the end but a means to achieve success. This is not too far off a person with faith. The first born from the dead goes back much further in our history to the very creation. (Alpha) He is with us now to overcome our doubting ways until we believe and will be with us at the end. (Omega) The story of Thomas as documented in John 20:19-31 is a story about us humans who are by nature very skeptical. We see only with our eyes not our faith. Thomas had doubts because he could not see with his own eyes. “Happy are those who don’t see and yet believe.”

Read for yourself and listen to the below message.


Who got it?

It is interesting to note the in both gospels in John 20:1-18 or Luke 24:1-12, it is the women who seem to get it. In John, it is John and Peter running to see the empty grave but slipping back to their hiding places to wonder what happened where Mary Magdalene encountered the risen Christ. In Luke, it was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary mother and other women who discovered the empty tomb then Peter ran down to confirm only to return wondering what happened. I do not get it! A woman in a man’s world got it. Read for yourself and listen to the below brief message.

Happy Easter,


Art of Learning

Art is “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination,” Learning is the “acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study or by being taught.” The Art of Learning is the expression or application of human creative skills by acquisition of knowledge through experience, study or by being taught. Say what!

Unless you are born with a natural intellect, knowledge is acquired. How does a person learn the necessary skills to achieve success? One of three possibilities includes experience, study or being taught.

If we rely on pure experience to achieve knowledge, that is called the school of hard knocks!

If we rely totally on our ability to self study, most of us are not very good at managing our time. Are we capable of the discipline to self study? Can we afford to study totally on our own without other student interactions or teacher help?

If we are relying on someone to teach us without follow up study, then we risk not retaining the knowledge being taught.

The solution to the art of learning is application of all three ways to acquire knowledge.

In this modern technological world we should utilize computer applications as much as possible to “fast track” learning.  I think we should combine “online” self study with class and lab experiences to prepare future movers and shakers. This is according to T. What say you?


Do you know the word “fickle”? It means changing frequently especially regarding loyalties, interests or affection. It does not take much to change our minds. Look at politics for example. We are in an age of instant communication which can lead to swings in opinion polls based on who said or did what on any particular day. This is not a new phenomena but just a reflection of our instant mood changes based on who or what is influencing us around the world. The terrorists acts in Brussels caused immediate reaction to all of us around the world. Everyone has their own opinions on what actions need to be taken. Unfortunately, opinions are held in high regard to the person stating the opinion but causes reaction by others who do not share the same. A few thousand years ago the news media was much slower but the fickle nature of us humans have not changed. The story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into the City of David riding a colt with the crowds shouting praises found in Luke 19 quickly turned to a vicious attack of the same Jesus leading to his horrific death as chronicled in Luke 22 and 23. This is a classic story of happy crowds changing into an angry mob. How did that happen? It only takes a few antagonists in the crowd to create the mood swing. We are indeed a fickle people. Thank God we are not judged based on fickleness! What wondrous love is this? Listen to my brief message and remember he lives.

Past, Present or Future?

Have you ever knew someone stuck in the past? How about stuck in the present not giving one consideration to the future? I suppose we are all guilty of being stuck in one time phase especially the past. It bothers me a whole lot when I do something really stupid or hurt someone because of my actions. I tend to dwell on my past actions with contempt for myself. But, no matter how hard I try to relive the past to fix it, I cannot fix it. Is it not better to move on into a brighter future and correct the sins of the past by living a better present? What if you are satisfied with your present state? It is just as hard to move on to the future if you have a comfortable present state? Fear of the future holds a lot of us back so we just live our lives only in the present. The past is not a good place to live as it brings back good and bad memories that holds us from moving on with our lives. I think the present sometimes becomes our comfort zone and we can not get beyond its safe boundaries. I have heard it said that fear is on the fringes of that safe comfort zone. Success is beyond the fringes of fear. Look at it from a door opening into a new world with new adventures. There will be plenty of failures along the way but failure leads to success. Read Philippians 3:13-14 and reach out for a higher goal into a faith filled future then listen to my brief message on forgetting about the past and reaching out for a bright future.