It’s beginning to look at lot like…

Hello world,

This is T. Well time is flying by and  I believe it is safe to say the weather is finally changing. It is beginning to look a lot like….. (you fill in the blank). We have been doing a lot of traveling so missed a few days it seems here and there. I guess that is how life goes. You win some days, lose some days and some days you do not even know what happened. If you follow my blog at all, you may have seen that I tend to jump around in my thoughts. Welcome to a look into my brain according to T. You may have noticed that I post a few different categories like preaching or teaching depending on what’s happening at the time. Stay tuned!

I hope we all survived the rain and flooding in some areas and I hope you are looking forward as I to a new season. It is beginning to look a lot like…..


Sermon for October 11th, 2015

Hello world this is T,

As I continue to share my thoughts according to T, you may have noticed a few different categories. I just posted one on opening our eyes to the world around us. I put those thoughts into a teaching category as I was writing regarding two dear friends lost to this world this year that impacted so many people mostly in their teaching professions. God bless all teachers who share their life’s passion.

Now back on subject above regarding a sermon given on October 11th. I do hope you take the time to listen to my audio sermon excerpts. They are less than 4 minutes as I know we all have time constraints. My prayer is that my words are read and heard as God intended them to be and you receive his message.

The message on October 11th was that God’s word is living, active and sharper than anything humans could possibly imagine to use to attack one another. As we celebrate life to the fullest, may we also recognize we are exposed totally to the truth. That is God’s word. Why do we not see His truth? Is it not because we are so influenced by the alternative which leads us astray and will end in destruction? May we keep focused and not separate ourselves from the Truth. Read more in Hebrews 4:12-16. Also, read Mark 10:17-31 about the dangers of holding onto what really does not get us to the everlasting.

Enjoy life to the fullest but know the truth and be set free.


When our eyes are opened

When our eyes are opened, are they really? Forgive me if I do not recall who originally quoted this saying but I have heard it said “When the pupil is ready, the teacher appears.” I know that has been so true in my life and suspect most of us will admit the we may go about life anatomically with our eyes wide open but are they really opened to the world around us? As you may have already read some of my posts regarding preaching or perhaps listened to one of my very brief excerpts of one of my sermons, you may know that a look into my world according to T may be a bit philosophical. But this year alone, I have celebrated the lives of two members of churches I am blessed to serve. One member back in March of this year was very quiet but his passing impacted literally thousands of people. It was very humbling for me to be part of his life and part of sending off into life everlasting. It indeed opened my eyes to never judge a book by its cover so to speak. Then again a second member started her journey to everlasting this September. She was more vocal than the previous person but yet she too impacted so many lives in such a positive way. Both members were teachers. He had a quite approach but reminded me of “Walking Tall”. He was quiet but carried a big stick. She was very vocal and was always first to volunteer and proactive in our mission fields. Many of her students were in the crowd celebrating how she impacted them in such positive ways. They both had a presence that in death revealed a truth that no matter how we live life, leave a positive impact on others.

My thoughts as I contemplate how I should open my eyes more to the world around me.


Just another day or is it?

Hello world,

This is T. In my earlier post of a sermon extract from October 3rd(only 3 minutes), I observed that our path is often obstructed with Man made laws that keep us from our true mission. Do you know your mission? I encourage to find yours.

Back to my thought on subject of just another day or is it? As I type this, my wife and are traveling up the road to celebrate nephew’s wedding. It is a beautiful day to travel and pray stays same for wedding this weekend. Four years ago it was also a pretty day but as we grieved Mom’s passing this day, it was not so bright. In fact, it was very grey and sad.

Remember that there is really no “just another day” days. Every day is a gift. May we rejoice in this day knowing it could be one of many to come or our last.

Be blessed today.


Sermon for October 3rd, 2015

Well world,

This is T.  One of the concerns I had when I started this new mode of communication was that I would find times when I had no discretionary time to share my thoughts according to “T”. Time is constant for us all but how we used it makes all the difference in the world. Right now, I should be getting ready to make a trip but here I am typing away.

This is my third sermon post. I promise to you that it will get better as I learn how best to edit my audios to cut out the noise and unnecessary chatter during a full scale church worship service so that I can get specifically to the point as I know all of us are constrained by the same 24 hours per day. We need to make every second count. However, as I tell myself all of the time. We need to stop and smell the roses.

This message is about “Suffering to be made perfect and how Man’s laws can distort God’s laws.”
