Art of Learning

Art is “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination,” Learning is the “acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study or by being taught.” The Art of Learning is the expression or application of human creative skills by acquisition of knowledge through experience, study or by being taught. Say what!

Unless you are born with a natural intellect, knowledge is acquired. How does a person learn the necessary skills to achieve success? One of three possibilities includes experience, study or being taught.

If we rely on pure experience to achieve knowledge, that is called the school of hard knocks!

If we rely totally on our ability to self study, most of us are not very good at managing our time. Are we capable of the discipline to self study? Can we afford to study totally on our own without other student interactions or teacher help?

If we are relying on someone to teach us without follow up study, then we risk not retaining the knowledge being taught.

The solution to the art of learning is application of all three ways to acquire knowledge.

In this modern technological world we should utilize computer applications as much as possible to “fast track” learning.  I think we should combine “online” self study with class and lab experiences to prepare future movers and shakers. This is according to T. What say you?

What are you?

In an earlier blog, I asked a series of questions about what direction are you going? (Down, sideways or Up) This was according to my preacher’s perspective. Now, from a teacher’s perspective, consider what role do you play in the game of life. I have seen students that seem to simply show up to class and expect to learn. How they learn is a mystery to me as they take zero notes and some appear to not even listen. In fact, many tend to communicate with their neighbors so much as they disrupt those who are attempting to learn. These students I suppose use a phenomenon to learn called osmosis which is a “spontaneous net movement of solvent molecules through a semi-permeable membrane into a region of higher solute concentration, in the direction that tends to equalize the solute concentrations on the two sides”. Say what! My guess is that their brains are being equalized but to what? Now, their are other students who appear to absorb knowledge by taking notes, asking questions and successfully completely assignments. Still, their are a few students who rebel any notion of the whole learning experience. Am I being too critical? Perhaps, but I truly believe the game of life has three very distinctive groups. They are “Spectators”, “Blockers” and “Enablers” according to my perspective. Corporations are full of all three groups and so are Institutions. I believe the verdict is still out if our Government has the “Enablers” group but you can be the judge of that. I much prefer the “Enabler” group as in my opinion that is where success is achieved by helping another achieve their goals. I know we need all three groups in the game of life but thank goodness we have those that consider their achievements one successful student at a time. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”



You are too fat! Got your attention? Read on…

A Doctor may say you are too fat (abnormal condtion) so if you do not loose weight you can be candidate for a ❤ attack or become a diabetic (undesirable event).

It occurred to me the other day while teaching the safety analysis process as described in API RP 14C, there are a lot of similarities between Process Components holding hydrocarbons and the human body. If interested in the API code referenced above, see for yourself definitions of “Abnormal Operating Conditions”, “Undesirable Events” and the whole safety analysis process. Perhaps some of my students may even have a “got it” moment. 

Totally related to the human body, right?

Unlike the Oil and Gas industry where quick adjustments can be made to restore normal conditions, us humans ignore sometimes the abnormalities. Is it because we are just too ignorant, cannot afford to go to the doctor because of increased cost of medical insurance, or some other excuse? Check it out regardless as could save your life.


When our eyes are opened

When our eyes are opened, are they really? Forgive me if I do not recall who originally quoted this saying but I have heard it said “When the pupil is ready, the teacher appears.” I know that has been so true in my life and suspect most of us will admit the we may go about life anatomically with our eyes wide open but are they really opened to the world around us? As you may have already read some of my posts regarding preaching or perhaps listened to one of my very brief excerpts of one of my sermons, you may know that a look into my world according to T may be a bit philosophical. But this year alone, I have celebrated the lives of two members of churches I am blessed to serve. One member back in March of this year was very quiet but his passing impacted literally thousands of people. It was very humbling for me to be part of his life and part of sending off into life everlasting. It indeed opened my eyes to never judge a book by its cover so to speak. Then again a second member started her journey to everlasting this September. She was more vocal than the previous person but yet she too impacted so many lives in such a positive way. Both members were teachers. He had a quite approach but reminded me of “Walking Tall”. He was quiet but carried a big stick. She was very vocal and was always first to volunteer and proactive in our mission fields. Many of her students were in the crowd celebrating how she impacted them in such positive ways. They both had a presence that in death revealed a truth that no matter how we live life, leave a positive impact on others.

My thoughts as I contemplate how I should open my eyes more to the world around me.


Sharing the experience

World, this is T. I am so blessed to share my experiences. My career paths have ranged from Engineer, to Preacher, to Teacher. This message is all about teaching which is the first time I have shared this category. How does one become a teacher? I guess there are two paths. One is to go to school and get a teaching degree and spend a career in the teaching field. The second is to go to school as an Engineer and spend 35 years in the field then retire and use one’s experiences to give back to the local community. The later is me, T. I have taught now 3 full semesters and working on my 4th in a local technical college. Just last week, I took 29 students to experience real life exercises with a partnering company. For 3 hours we performed exercises and shared the experience. What better way to give back than with a group of young adults who are eager to learn! Today, I will take another group of students to share the experience again.

Looking forward to continued experience sharing my world as a retired Engineer and now Teacher.

Life is good.