
No one cares how much a person knows until they know how much a person cares. I am sure everyone has heard that saying but do we really take notice or are we so consumed with getting our point of view across that we ignore others? I have been blessed and humbled in current events in my life which lead me to question myself. Do I care about others or is all about me? If I am honest, I have to admit my human weakness and say yes, it is all about me. However, there are moments when I am so overcomed with the realities of life that the selfishness is overshadowed by grief for others. Two very dear people in my life went on to eternity and we celebrated their lives on February 12th of this year same time but different timezones. Being torned between the two, we relied on Devine intervention. Both celebrations of life were well attended and prayers across the vastness of water and time were felt by so many caring people. In this instance, we all put down our consumption for our own needs to show our compassion for each other. We all knew this moment in time that we all cared.


Love Is

You have heard these statements I am sure in the past. “No prophet is welcomed in his home town.”  “Knowledge is power.” Knowledge to boldly share the good news is not an option in my opinion without empathy, love, patience, kindness, etc. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 is the Love Passage in my opinion. It is certainly used in many weddings. That is great! But is it just a nice thing to think without some effort to maintain? I know from my own experience, anger can sneak in and all those attributes that describe love goes out the window. Love takes an effort. No one really cares what you say if your actions speak volumes of what you really feel. Listen to my brief message below if you want to hear more on this topic.

Parts of a System

The sum of all parts put together into a functional manner becomes a system. Have you ever considered the value of all the parts that make up a system? When you add up the individual cost of all the parts to a car for example it would make the average car buyer run away from a deal. When you put the parts together into a system that functions as one then you have something very special. Have you ever considered the human body as a system? What value could we put on one part of our anatomy? All parts are priceless in our body. But what about someone  else? Do we even care? If our body parts are priceless, what value can we put on our God given talents or gifts? Let us share our gifts and let us connect ourselves to others to become a great machine for all of mankind. Listen my message on parts (gifts).

Water, Word, Action

Water, word, action. Have ever thought about these 3 words in the context of you own survival? Take water for example. We cannot survive without water for more than 3 days as I understand but do not want to test the theory. Water is also used to cleanse ourselves. Without water we could not survive. Action is doing something in my simple definition. You cannot survive without action. I do not know how long the body can survive without some movement but is most likely responsible for early death in many an inactive person. Word as addressed here is God made flesh and lived among us. One could say that we can live without the word but I contend the word is also an essential part of our very survival. My opinion I know, but I feel strongly enough to say it as truth. You may choose to test the theory like no water for more than 3 days but not I! So there you have it! We cannot survive without water, word or action. So why fight it? Let’s take the life giving water of baptism, the Word to energize the water and combine with action to go make a difference in someone’s life. Listen to more below.

Life is Life

Life is Life! You have heard the cliche, “that’s life”. I say life is life. You have to take the good times along with the bad times. The laid back days along with the dam breaking moments. Can you picture a dam about to break and the little boy sticking his finger in the leaks to prevent a disaster? I am sure you can relate
to those days when it seems all and everything is working to stress you out. But stop, take a breath and remember the good days and say “this too will pass”. Just last week, I am saying to myself. All is well. My tax prep is underway, all my audits are completed, our health is well, business side is going well and suddenly all hell breaks loose. Problems with sewage (crappy situation lol), transmission goes
out in my daughter’s 10 year old car. They just don’t make cars like the old days. Yea right! Our dear friend is now under hospice care. Last straw was my father in law passes on to Glory. He was just under 96 years old and I have to say this without any prompting from my wife that he was the best communicator I have ever met. He knew when to speak and more importantly when to listen. I personally will miss him dearly. Life is life. The sewage will be fixed. The car will be replaced. My father in law is in a better place where he can look over us all, continue to cheer our accomplishments and help strengthen us when we are loaded down with the burdens of life. He is our newest Saint in God’s Holy army. May he rest in peace and may his wife of over 70 years find inspiration in his memory.