Value check up

Check up from the neck up? Perhaps we all need a check up on our values. What do they value? Who are they? Those that would destroy anyone who does not believe according to them? If we go back centuries, it seems one could argue that Christian values were imposed on them. I thought we had progressed as a modern society past that point of total intolerance for the belief of others. Now, it seems the pendulum is swinging back to isolation of beliefs, ideology and enforcement of values at all cost.

As we watch in horror the tragic events in Paris, may we unite with them to fight for our values and freedom. This is indeed a fight for our values to gather as we are encouraged to do so in Hebrews 10: 24-25 to love and do good deeds. But now we are threatened by those who want to change our beliefs violently. May we persevere to hold true to our values and beliefs.

Do not stop meeting together with other believers and let us keep our values our values. Enjoy my brief message on the current events and let us do a value check up from the neck up.


Who’s Kidding Who?

As we all look in horror at the terrorist attacks in Paris, who is kidding who? Some may say it is an attack because we attacked them but is that not just an excuse to impose their values on us? Mark 12:38 warns us to watch out for those legal experts. In my opinion, it is all about their values trying to be enforced over our values.

What say you?



You are too fat! Got your attention? Read on…

A Doctor may say you are too fat (abnormal condtion) so if you do not loose weight you can be candidate for a ❤ attack or become a diabetic (undesirable event).

It occurred to me the other day while teaching the safety analysis process as described in API RP 14C, there are a lot of similarities between Process Components holding hydrocarbons and the human body. If interested in the API code referenced above, see for yourself definitions of “Abnormal Operating Conditions”, “Undesirable Events” and the whole safety analysis process. Perhaps some of my students may even have a “got it” moment. 

Totally related to the human body, right?

Unlike the Oil and Gas industry where quick adjustments can be made to restore normal conditions, us humans ignore sometimes the abnormalities. Is it because we are just too ignorant, cannot afford to go to the doctor because of increased cost of medical insurance, or some other excuse? Check it out regardless as could save your life.


Just how many costumes are there?

Have you ever wondered how people can be transformed? Take Halloween for example. Look at every social media and you see all shapes and sizes of transformed folks into witches, goblins, ghosts, politicians, current movie characters, etc. It is amazing to me how mature grown ups get into the action just as much as their children or grand children. Just how many costumes are there? The mind boggles!

By the way we celebrate Halloween I thought October 31st but now if the weather is bad municipalities have wised up to change the day to a more convenient time. I wonder if that is a market strategy?  By the way, what happened on October 31st, 1517?

Now, the day after our traditional fun / crazy time of Halloween, on November 1st is “All Saints Day”. What’s that all about?

This brings me to ask the question how many commandments are there and does anyone know them? The answer can be found in Exodus 20 but with all the falseness of Moses times (sort of like how we are today with Halloween) even God’s commandments had to be repeated in Deuteronomy 5. But then just how many are they? 10 or 12? Look at Mark 12 starting at verse 28. Did Jesus add 2 more commandments or was his the glue that binds the original 10 together.

Listen to my excerpt if you have time. It is about 2 minutes of audio.



Who would you rather…?

This is T,

My message is who would you rather…..? I was advised that some readers are turned off from a boring title so thought I would try another approach. Why? Not sure why or where this blog world will take me but feel compelled to put it out there for all to read or listen if you dare….

I recently posted excerpts of sermons and will continue in the future in the hopes that His word gets out. I missed October 18th as was traveling but if you want to do some self study, read Hebrews 5:1-10 about who was appointed as high priest according to the order of Melchizedek. (Google it to find out its meaning if you want.) You may also want to check on what happened in the year 1517 about this time. Anyone care to comment?

My message for October 25th was “Who would you rather worship and praise?” Read Hebrews 7:23-28 and Mark 10:46-52 then listen to my excerpt of my message. It is just over 3 minutes of your time.
