What will it take?

A family loses a young child to an alligator or a gorilla dies because of a young child’s curiosity. How about a whole group of party goers losing their lives because of an ideological difference so extreme that violence becomes a tool to send an evil message. What will it take? Children’s curiosity will always be a path to maturity. Curiosity leads to dreams which leads in most cases to successful life adventures. Tragically, not all turn out that way but was it the Alligator or Gorilla’s fault that led to a family and national mourning? On the other hand, one person grew up to join a radical terrorist movement meant to impose their radical beliefs. Now that is a tragedy that may have been avoided. We can debate how but I would rather lean on a higher power to direct me. A few thousand years ago people were oppressed by another people and they were looking for a knight is shining armor to save them. Instead they got a suffering servant who saved them and restored them to eternal connection with the ultimate higher power. My question remains. What more will it take? Perhaps the answer can be found within our heart and soul. My prayers go out to the lost due to tragedies currently reported in the 24 hour news cycle. My prayers also go out to this world and may we find peace within.


Listen to my brief message that we are all imperfect, God uses us anyway and avoid assumptions.

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