By definition, bling means, “denoting expensive, ostentatious clothing and jewelry, or the style or materialistic attitudes associated with them.” Ok, I am the first to say how beautiful Christmas decorations can be but I am not naïve enough to think these decorations are the reason for the season. By now, with all of the politics and battles for ideological victories, can we all admit that this season would not be considered much of a Holiday without Christ. In my opinion, it should remain Marry or Happy Christmas not Happy holiday to be PC. Let’s all take a chill pill on this and let’s truly celebrate the reason for the season. For some that do not want to believe, no need to read any further.
Prophets who spoke long ago, in the name of the Lord, are examples of patient resolve and steadfastness. May we remain steady in our resolve as well. Like the farmer who plant seeds, water and fertilize the soil around the seeds who go on faith that the effort into the preparation will yield a harvest of good fruit and vegetables. So too should we have the patience to wait strengthening our resolve for the coming of the Lord. May the Prince of Peace who first came as a little baby so many years ago, with a promise of eternal life return in time with the ultimate resolution to the senselessness of this world.
John the Baptist was used as a messenger to prepare the way for Jesus Christ. Though he was great in our eyes as mere humans, may we be reminded that the least in the KOH is greater than he. May we humble ourselves before the mighty thrown.
Just who do you think you are? Do you think you are better than another person? Perhaps we all need to take a chill pill on blowing our own trumpet and remind ourselves that we are just a moment away from dust. Dust to dust, ashes to ashes. In Matthew, John was looking for that person that he thought he knew. He sent his followers to find Jesus and ask him “Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?” Just who did he think he was? John came dressed in Camel hair and eating locust and honey. Did he expect Jesus to be like him? Or did he expect Jesus to be dressed in refined clothing as found in a royal palace? Jesus responded by telling his followers as if John was standing in front of him. “What did you go out to see?” May this message be a warning to us all that we should remain patient as advised in James and do not get ahead of ourselves in thinking who we should expect and who we are. In this season of Joy and Peace, may we truly anticipate with patience the miracle to come. Listen my brief message below if you have time and patience.