Magic or Miracle

Was it magic? What is miracle? You decide on your own. While you discern your own beliefs, share the light of the Prince of Peace.

What kind of magic is this? Definition of magic is “the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces….having or apparently having supernatural powers.” Was magic performed when we consider the birth of a child through unusual circumstances? Magic in my opinion is a human art form. Talented magicians I suspect can capitalize on their art form. I also suspect they spend hours and hours of practice to get the trick perfected to convince their audience. How did he do that? Practice makes perfect in this profession as it does in any worthwhile profession. So I ask again what kind of magic was this? We celebrate the birth of Christ every year and though it seems more and more commercialized the wonder still exists. Was it magic or was it a miracle? Definition of miracle is “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.” It is your choice on how to categorize the birth of Christ. Was it magic, miracle or an extremely well orchestrated hoax that has fooled believers for thousands of years? Let me say up front, that a hoax is easily ruled out due to generations of fact checking but if you choose not to believe, these words will be a futile effort to convince you. Only His prevenient Grace can soften a hard heart.

Back to the question of magic versus miracle. What say you? Was it a slight of hands by a human professional or was it the work of a divine agency (God)? The prophets of old as mentioned in Matthew 1 starting at verse 18 tells the story of Emmanuel, “God with us.”. Jesus came into this world in a not so usual way but grew up from infancy to adulthood to be with us and teach us a better way then reconnect us to the Father in Heaven. Paul saw the great light and through His grace became an apostle to all who would come to believe. He shared the light. So should we as affirmed in Romans 1:1-7.

In this time of joy and happiness, we all know it is also a time of reflection and perhaps sadness of lost love ones. Let us remember the reason for the season and let us recognize that until we are called to the heavenly host, our mission is still to go out and share the light. Peace to you all and have a very Merry Christmas with a renewed since of purpose in the New Year.


The below audio is for your hearing convenience.


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