The Secret

As the sun set on 2016, may we all remember the good times and look forward with freshness to a new year. Keep the Faith!

Have you ever been told a secret? How hard is it to keep the secret when told? A secret will burn in our brain waiting to be released by our tongue into the world. After all, what good is a secret if we can not tell it? Caution though as once told, it is no longer a secret but a message of good or bad news depending on the audience. Perhaps, we all need to train our tongues and minds to act with wisdom.

Matthew 2:12 says, “Because they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they went back to their own country by another route.” Who are they? Magi or wise men from the East. Perhaps, that is why they were called wise as they were not influenced by an earthy authority with one objective to destroy anyone that upset his authority. Caution to us all not to accept guidance from the misguided. Herod was an evil ruler that intimated his people but thank God the Magi was not tricked. Ephesians 3:10 tells of God’s purpose through his wisdom of many ways to reveal his church.

God showed his servant Paul a secret plan in a revelation. Earlier generations may have heard the plan through the prophets but did they understand that the plan was to also be coheirs and part of the same body Jew or Gentile? Paul saw the secret revealed through Christ and His purpose is to show the rulers and earthly authorities true power. The secret has been consistent from the beginning of time and now we all have access to His authority through our faith in Him. As we remember his infant entry into this world and his suffering as a human servant, may we celebrate his return. As we prepare for a new year, may we also feel empowered by the secret. Christ gave us access through our faith in him. Access to who’s authority? God’s authority not an earthly authority. Let us pray that those who have authority on this earth recognize as Paul and the Magi did that victory is indeed found in Jesus.

Reveal the secret to all who will hear and see with wisdom according to His purpose not ours.


Remember 2016 and whether it seemed a good year or not, it was a time given to us all. Now, let us focus on 2017 with a renewal in our life’s purpose according to Hs will. Listen to my brief message below if you have the  time. T


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