
There are many ways of defining stability in various sources such as the “property of a body when disturbed from equilibrium to develop forces that will restore the original condition.” That is one definition. Here is another to be “steadfast; constant; as of character or purpose” I like both of these definitions but how about an example of two chairs. One only has 2 legs for support and the other has a third or even a fourth for support. I believe we go through life being unstable as if sitting on a two legged chair where we have to constantly battle within our bodies to keep upright. We can do it but it is so much effort when all we need is more support. A 2 legged chair reminds me of being selfish or self centered where a more supported chair reminds me of our inter-dependence to be in an attitude that comes from the Spirit that leads us to life and peace. (Romans 8:6)

I believe we all have a purpose for our existence. I also believe that we can go through life struggling to “do it our way” or we can be at peace to do it “His way”. It is our choice. We can sit on that 2 legged chair and fight stability within our bodies and soul or we can choose a more stable approach in life by asking for more divine support. There was a US Army medic in WWII that ask for support to save injured soldiers left to die during the battle of Okinawa. He had a choice. Leave the battle or ask God for guidance to save just one more soldier from sure death. At least 75 of those soldiers owed their lives to this one person who’s choice is forever documented in history. I will let you search for the movie and facts of this moment in history. I call this a modern miracle of faith. Likewise, Jesus chose to turn back to the most certain path to a quick demise when he saw an opportunity to perform a miracle of resurrection. (John 11)

I believe we all can live more stable lives to reach our ultimate purpose in this world so we can look forward to the world to come.


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