The Other Guy

Last week, during Palm/Passion Sunday, abandonment was considered in relation to cast off like the guy on the airplane. But Jesus was totally abandoned just a few days after being welcomed with waving palms. What happened? If you believe, what happened was the beginning of the mystery of faith. Part one was that Christ died. Now we discover in the story of the empty tomb that Christ has risen. He lives! But have you ever consider the story in John 20 and how the writer appears to blow his own trumpet. Verse two references the other guy, whom Jesus loved. Verse 3 again refers to the other guy running with Peter to the empty tomb. Then verse 4 gets a bit over the top where the other guy out runs Peter to the tomb. I find this passage fascinating in that the other guy seemed to be on an ego trip. Perhaps, the other guy told his version to his advantage. I do not know nor anyone else I suspect knows why this passage was written this way. All I know is that the real other guy in this story was a woman. I don’t get it. A women in a man’s world got it. Mary Magdalene was first to discover the empty tomb. She then told John (the other guy) and Peter who came running. What happened next? Well the two guys saw an empty tomb, got upset, then went back to where they were staying. (verse 10) Why would they just leave like that? I guess that is what guys do. Perhaps, their faith and compassion did not equal Mary’s. The story may have been different had it been totally up to the men. It took a woman in a man’s world. Believe me she was certainly in a man’s world especially back in ancient times. Mary was grieving and stayed to reveal the second part of the mystery of faith. Christ had risen! The tomb was not empty instead she found Jesus. She then left to spread the good news. (verse 18)

If Mary can spread the good news in a male dominated world approximately 2000 years ago, what is our excuse for not sharing? Every day should be Easter. We all have a mission to share the second part of the mystery of faith so that all of those who will believe will have victory when He returns. Happy Easter to all.



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