The Gate

My last post was about change and I suggested we all should expect changes in our life. Some changes will be to the better where others not so good but guess what? Changes are inevitable. As long as we are divinely guided then it will all be just fine.

I read a lot of books. Some are audio and some are text depending on my day. I try to make the most of my time while driving listening to an audio book. When I have a few hours to sit quietly like when giving blood platelets, I read a book. I would like to recommend two books recently heard in the audio form that I consider good books. The first is “Calling Me Home” by Julie Kibler. This book is about love across the great race divide early in the last century and ends in present day times with a very interesting friendship and reunion. Changes have certainly occurred dramatically in less than 100 years! The second book is “Proof of Heaven” by Eben Alexander and is about NDE, the gateway and the core. This second book is a real eye opener for those who perhaps are more than a little skeptical of life after death.

The title of my subject “The Gate” in this post is more related to my second recommended book as it mentions the gateway. In ancient days well before barbed wire and fence post, shepherds protected their flock of sheep by gathering them together in a natural barrier like the side of a mountain or hill with three sides leaving open passageway where the shepherd covered the opening with his own body. Now, some of you may find this strange especially if you do not live in hill country or do not know the characteristics of sheep. You may have to use your imagination to get the picture. The shepherd was the gate to protect his flock of sheep. Some of my readers may at this point be board and moving onto to some other stuff on social media but if you can stay with me for just a few more lines, it may turn out to be beneficial to you. Like the author of “Proof of Heaven”, some may be of a scientific mind as he is and refuse to accept the concept of a gateway to a new world. Some may think they are invincible, free of any concerns of life as they believe only in life as they know it. But eventually, some will experience a life changing event that proves just the contrary to their beliefs. The analogy of the shepherd being the gate to protect his sheep is written in John 10 where Jesus explains that he is the gate and whoever enters through him will be saved. They will be protected to come and go to find good pastures and live life to the fullest.

We are all subjected to sin and we can choose to live in the darkness of sin. However, if and when we are ready to accept a good change, we can enter through the gate to a wonderful eternal existence in peace.


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