Can you imagine?

Can you imagine being sent with these instructions? What instructions? First, you are instructed to only speak to people you are familiar knowing they are your worst critics. Second, you are given authority to perform acts considered to be miracles. Third, you must not expect to be paid. Fourth, do not bring any provisions to sustain you or even a change of clothes. Be good to those who are good to you and walk away from those who mistreat you. Expect deception but be as wise as a snake to deceive the deceiver but also be as innocent as a dove. Expect persecution even from your own family even to the point of life threats. Finally, expect all you endure will build character which then produces hope for an eternal future. With these instructions, would you accept the job?

Matthew 10:1-23 documents this type of instructions given to the 12 disciples. Can you imagine being sent into the mission field with these instructions? That is exactly what happened but if we are truly honest with ourselves, would we go? Romans 5:1-8 explains how we can obtain hope for the future. We first must be put to the test with some trouble in our lives that produces endurance which then gives us character that yields hope when others may not see a future.

As we celebrate father’s day, with cookouts and gatherings with friends and families, may we remember the strength of our fathers who have gone on to glory. May we look with fondness but also recognize they too endured to become a person with character and hope to fulfill dreams. May we seek to be strengthen for the future and look forward to our missions not yet revealed until we are prepared. We can accomplish much when we go out on the promise of tomorrow.


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