do or do not

We are blessed to have scientific knowledge at our finger tips but what if we were born when eclipses signaled a terrific event? It would be a moment of extreme anxiety but today we make it a celebration because we know the outcome. We are not blinded because we are educated on how to protect our eyes. Do you believe in miracles or do you not believe until proven by science?

The exclusive trajectory of this eclipse is first time over the US since 1776 and first total eclipse of the sun visible at all in the US since 1979. Scientist say with a certain amount of confidence that this phenomenon will cease in about 600 million years because of the moon’s slight changes in orbit. Now that is a long time!  The next time we have such an event in the USA will be in 2024. But are all things explained by science? I think perhaps not all things can be explained away.

I think we can be a agent for miracles or in other words we can do an action that prompts divine intervention or we can do nothing and never know the outcome of our inaction. Let me use the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish as described in Matthew 14:13-21.

Have you ever consider the message within the message? It took the disciples efforts to feed themselves and their master before the real miracle was possible. What if the disciples had not taken a small action? Would there have been a larger miracle that day? Maybe, but I suspect the moment would have past without the miraculous event. I contend we must take action before a greater action becomes perhaps a miracle. I have heard it said that God cannot steer a parked car. We must get in the car and start on a journey before we can be led to a higher calling.  I consider this dilemma has a decision to do or do not.

Where will the next miracle occur and will you be party to the doers or the do not group?



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