
1RM (repetition max) test is often considered the “benchmark” for measuring strength. This is the greatest amount of force that muscles can produce in a single maximum effort. I submit to you another measurement of strength as the maximum amount of force we can endure to avoid foolishness. Where do we get our wisdom and strength? Is it going to the gym for maximum work outs? That may provide our body with additional strength but not an ability to use our strength wisely. Is it spending all of our time to maximize our brains? That may provide intellectual stimuli but over time, our bodies may fail us sooner that we thought. How do we really measure strength? If you spend time researching this question, you may be amazed at how many answers come back. Go for it!

I think the more important question is where do we get our balance of wisdom and strength? If the lights go off in your gym, do you continue exercising in the dark? If you have no power for your computer or lighting to read, can you finish that paper in order to achieve more wisdom? We may find ourselves without a power source to continue our strength and wisdom building efforts. But what if we rely on a source that seems foolish to the seemingly wise and powerful of this world?

1 Corinthians 1:25 explains no matter how smart and strong we think we are, God is wiser and stronger. I submit to you to consider your source of wisdom and strength. Should we rely on man-made sources for our wisdom and strength or a higher power? Jesus would raise the temple in three days but the leaders of the time said no way. (John 2:13-22) Who was correct?



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