I like to find the meaning of words. Maybe someday I can string all of these words into a sentence or even a book. You think? This week, I use the word “practice” which if you do a quick search in google means, “the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed to theories.” or “repeated exercise in or performance of an activity to acquire or maintain proficiency in it.” I like the simple phrase “practice makes perfect”. What skills are we practicing?
For example we can become expert liars. Some folks cannot tell the truth as they have become so proficient liars. When they open their mouths, expect a false statement. Perhaps that is our own negative perception or maybe not. Our politicians on both sides of the aisle seem to be very good at speaking falsely depending on what side of the aisle we claim alliance. Other examples of practicing to perfection is baseball. I love to watch our grandsons play baseball as their ages reflect their ability to play the game. Our youngest is just learning to hit from a coaches pitch and run to first base. It is irrelevant at this point whether the ball is caught by the first baseman, as he will be safe regardless. Our second youngest is now hitting off a machine thrown pitch and running to first then second then third then home depending on the quality of fielding by the opposing team. Our oldest grandson is all about hitting homeruns or at least doubles where he can try to steal for home. Occasionally, we get to see the college games where errors are not so often. It is all about time spent to practice as close to perfection as we can get in whatever we choose to practice.
Did you know we are what we practice to be? We can practice sin and fall deeper into darkness. On the other hand, we can practice being more like Christ who was without sin. We can remain in relationship with others aspiring to be more Christ like and sin no more. Can we become completely sinless. I think not but we can strive for perfection. In 1 John 3, we can read the differences in what we practice to make perfect. We can practice sin as in verse 4 or we can remain in relationship to the one who was without sin in verse 6. It is that simple. We can remain in witness to the ultimate peace maker or we hide in the dark and fool ourselves. We are all given a free will but be aware with that gift we must choose wisely and surround ourselves with those who will help us become proficient on the practice field of life.