
We are not living in a static world but a relativity world where standards of absolute are absent. Absolute darkness for example is the total absence of light. Can you imagine being in the total absence of light? There are very few things that are absolute in this world we inhabit. Our air we breath have impurities and our food is full of additives. We adapt to survive. I can get into the deep thoughts of how space and time are relative or how mass is relative to the speed of light and energy but I am sure we all know by heart Einstein’s theory of relativity. Yeah right! Enough of physics!

I would like to keep it simple to say everything is relevant which means everything is connected in some way or the other.  Darkness is the non-existence of light.  It would indeed be a very dark and extremely cold place without light and energy. I believe when we isolate ourselves from the warmth of the light, we are subjecting our whole being into an unnecessary stress. Yet, there are many people living in darkness who can not see that the presence of light will make a huge difference in their existence. Some of us in an effort to be politically correct think that living in darkness is our only possible existence or perhaps we are too proud to reach out for more light. All of us live in an imperfect non-absolute world but many of us live in so much darkness that it consumes our soul.

In 1 John 1:5, the writer says that “God is light and there is no darkness in him at all.” In other words, he is absolute. He is the opposite of darkness that is without light instead he is without darkness. It is our nature to live in the darkness where we can hide with shame but if we do so, we never realize our God given talents to change the world. We are not vampires who are destroyed in the light. Understand, that it may hurt a little to be exposed to the light but without a little pain there will never be any gain. We can live in the light and be cleansed. Take the step of faith in this relativity kind of world and rely on the absolute absence of darkness for your strength.


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