
Independence is a condition or quality where we are not influenced or controlled by someone or something. It is freedom from outside control or support. Are we ever free and so-called independent? Battles are won between two powerful armies and to the victor goes the spoils. This phrase was first spoken in the context of an election. William L. Marcy used this phrase to describe the victory of Andrew Jackson in the election of 1828. Whether an election or battle between armies, there is usually a clear victor that take the goods or benefits away from the loser in the competition. If you are on the side of the loser, it is not fair, and resentment can linger for years or even centuries. If you are on the side of the winner, it is a celebration of independence. Losers may claim winners are idiots, if the victory is an election. Losers may claim an unfair advantage for some reason perceived beyond their control which can also turn into disdain for the winners. I have posted several messages in the past about independence. The post called “History” was about the battle of Hastings in 1066, Brexit in 2016, and the USA declaration of independents in 1776. The post called “Freedom vs Slavery” was about the dangers when we fail to guard our gift of freedom against all temptations and fall back into bondage. The post called “The Harvester” is where I point out that we cannot survive without reliance on each another which is interdependence. However, we should always consider the source to not harvest bad crops. I encourage you to re-read my past messages posted on this blog site.

Battles are won well before any blood is ever shed in our hearts and minds. The story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 is a perfect example of the spoils of victory going to one victor instead of the Philistine alternative. Can you imagine the army of Israel choosing a young shepherd boy to fight for their cause? Would you have accepted the challenge? David lived by faith not by sight as in 2 Cor 5:7. The Israelites believed in Saul’s judgment that this shepherd boy had already won the battle because of his preparation and his faith in the living God. David did not receive the grace of God in vain (2 Cor 6:1). Neither should we! On this Independence Day, let us continue to prepare for the battles in life going on faith of the victorious outcome even before the battle is won.


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