
One is a lonely number. Two is not much better, but when coupled as one, becomes so much stronger. Horses have proven the power of team work as alone, they can only pull based on their own strength. When coupled together side by side, they can pull three times their individual strength. Pretty awesome! Perhaps, us humans should learn a little more team work and less fighting about our differences.

In 2015, my wife and I made a trip to Ireland. It was a great trip and escape from the summer time heat in July. I learned about Saint Patrick. He was born in 385 AD and became a slave exiled from his homeland of Ireland. Yet, from this one humble slave, a Saint was born. How did that happen? He got involved in a monastery and when his training was over, given an opportunity to go where others had gone to grow Christianity. Us Christians find it sometimes the easier approach to stay in a safe group for our missions. We feel good about our efforts and justify our decisions. Patrick went by himself back to his home in Ireland. They tried to talk him out of it, but his mind was made up. I believe he had help from the Holy Spirit that instructed him that they would go together as a team. Was his decision popular among his peers? Doubtful, as humans really do not like individuals who buck the system. He went anyway. Was he welcomed in this pagan land he used to call home? No! Did that stop him? No! He lived to be 76 years old. He died on March 17th, 461 AD. If you want to learn more, please explore history. We have no excuses!

How do we know Jesus lives and represents peace to all? All means all, as I understand the scripture. You must have enough faith to believe. Ephesians 2:14, says “He made both Jews and Gentiles into one group. With his body, he broke down the barrier of hatred that divided us.” He said we all have access to the Father by the one Spirit. When Jesus was tired he rested in a deserted place for a bit.The multitudes searching for miracles, found him. Wherever he went, he chose love to win them over regardless of their differences. Everyone who touched him was healed. (Mark 6:30-56)

St. Patrick believed Jesus was with him through the Holy Spirit. To be coupled with the Holy Spirit made him so much stronger. Their compounded strength made a difference bringing light into darkness. Perhaps, we are not meant to be a saint, but we can at least go on faith as the song, “Hymn of Promise” ends, “unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.”


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