
I wrote a blog Thanksgiving of 2016 called “Absence of light”. When I wrote it, I was trying to draw a parallel between Heat and Light. Absence of heat is when there is no movement of particles to generate energy. It is very cold! Absence of light is very evil. When we are surrounded by evil, we put ourselves in darkness. When we are cold, we turn up the heat and do activities that will warm us up. When we are in the dark, we turn up the light and do activities that will light us up. What do you do to light up your world? What do you not do? I think the most important thing is to not worry. We spend many hours of the day and night listening to negative news about the economy, the unrest around the world, natural disasters, politics right or left, etc. We get all worked up about things someone has said or done. Do we get angry or revengeful or just worry? From Wikipedia,” worry refers to the thoughts, images, and emotions of a negative nature…” The definition continues to indicate that we are proactive in our worrying trying to avoid or solve the potential threats. Worrying will make us sick and keeps us in the darkness where evil resides. How do we stop this destructive behavior?

Matthew 6:25-33, which is part of Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount”, tells us not to worry. I encourage you to read the whole passage, period. There should not be a question when there is a definite period. Questioning will only start the worry again. Leave it alone! I ended my post in 2016 by saying, “during this time of Thanksgiving, let us truly give thanks to the Creator of all things for without Him, we would only be motionless particles with no past, present or future.” A motionless particle cannot generate heat. A person full of worry can become motionless and cannot generate light. Do you consider yourself a provider of light? Or are you afraid to let your light shine because you worry about someone’s reaction? You, therefore, remain in darkness. As we start the holiday season, will it be a joyful or stressful time for you? The answer to that question is yes, depending on your attitude. Happy Stress Free, No Worry, Thanksgiving to you all.


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