What is the difference between a Shepherd and a Hired Hand? I suppose in this modern age there may be little difference but I suspect even in today’s society the Shepherd is held with a greater affection that just a hired hand. By definition, a Shepherd is a person who tends to sheep whereas a hired hand is employed for wages. I see the difference between an owner of a business and their employees. A Shepherd may be employed but they have a greater responsibility to protect their flock. In older times, a shepherd would lead their flock into a safe location beside a mountain or hill that would create a natural barrier on three sides. The Shepherd would then lay his body across the opening to create a human gate so neither sheep nor predator could cross. It was a tremendous effort to stay awake all night then lead the sheep to green pastures in the day time. It is a wonder that the Shepherd could survive without some help. Perhaps, the help came from a hired hand or a trusted dog.
The analogy of the good shepherd versus a hired hand can be found in John 10 starting at verse 11. It opens our eyes to realize this good shepherd had multiple flocks who listens only to his voice. Now that is a monumental task! He does it with love for his sheep and his willingness to give up his life so that his sheep may live in peace. What greater love is that?
1 John 3:18 says to not love with words or speech but with action and truth. What greater action is that of a good shepherd. I believe it is up to us all to take on the mission and be totally committed to the cause. Let’s not think like a hired hand instead, let us emulate the good shepherd to protect those who may stray from the flock.