
We can all relate to arrival of a flight where loved ones are coming or going. We can also understand all of us arriving at a place where we can pin point on a map. Arrival is the action or process of arriving. Okay, that is a simple definition but can we truly claim that we have arrived? Yes, if it is a destination on a map. No, if it is where we think we want to go. Just as soon as we think we have arrived, then the rules change. We can think we have arrived at the retirement age where all will be great but the rules change. We have to search for another arrival point. A person may announce their arrival at a physical location, but can we announce our arrival in life? A high school football player may have desires of arrival at college a football star, but does not quite make it. They could spend the rest of their life wishing for football stardom and be depressed the rest of their life. They could move on to a new arrival point. It is their choice. Do we ever truly reach our arrival point where we can say yes, I have arrived? I believe we should remain in a state of preparation. The ultimate arrival point is yet to be revealed.

When I retired from my profession, I taught a little and gained a huge respect for teachers who make a career out of sharing knowledge with others. I have been active in ministry for 20 years though have scaled back a bit. Have I arrived at a sweet spot where I can set back and relaxed? NO! I believe we are put on this earth to be in a continuous mode of preparation for the next step, until we are called home. After retiring from my career as an Engineer and Project Manager, I started writing. This blog post will be my 172nd posting since 2014. Do I plan to stop? No! In fact, stay tuned as my writing has now expanded to my first book called “Sticks and Stones” just published. You can order it on Amazon now and will be on book shelves around the country in printed and electronic form in a few more weeks. Can I then say, I have arrived? No, as new opportunities are always available until my time here on earth comes to an end. The peace of what is to come keeps me grounded on the search for my next arrival.

Someone asked me the other day what does advent mean. If we search the definition, one of the synonyms is arrival. In Christian belief, it is a time of waiting and preparation for the first and second coming of Jesus. In Luke 3:3-6, John was a voice crying in the wilderness telling anyone who would hear to make yourself ready. That was good advise thousands of years ago and still sound advise now. We never really can say that we have arrived at our destination in life. However, we should prepare ourselves for our salvation through His arrival. 



I am guilty as charged! For what? Not listening. My wife reminds me everyday how guilty I am when she has to repeat what she just told me. We may say it is “selective hearing” but all joking aside, it is a huge problem in our society today. My church denomination is having “Listening Sessions” this year around a very sensitive issue on how we plan to move forward regarding matters of human sexuality and unity. The way forward is to be determined next Spring and will most likely affect our denomination forever. My message this week is about effective listening to one another.

Wikipedia describes listening as the attention we give to sounds such as speech, music or nature. It involves a complex affective, cognitive, and behavioral process. You can dive into the google world and learn a whole lot about our abilities or lackluster attempts to listen. Active listening in one article says it is the most important skill we can have. Unfortunately, most of us are not using our skill very effectively as between 25-50% of what we hear we remember. We should make a conscience effort by first paying attention. We should make eye contact, put our own thoughts on hold and then provide feed back to the person talking confirming we understand what was said. A good source to learn more on active listening is at

My church denomination started a commission on a way forward as mentioned above several years ago. Harmful behaviors mentioned in the report is interrupting, ignoring, discounting other’s opinions, speaking on behalf of others, or exhibiting a domineering behavior to others. These harmful behaviors do not promote effective listening, in my opinion. We all have opinions, but perhaps we all need to learn how to first listen to another’s opinion before jumping into our point of view. We can all take scripture passages to prove our point but to me it is not about proving our point. It is about listening to each other with the intention to understand each other’s position. Most arguments are not about the superficial actions that started the conflict. In my opinion, the argument stems from a lack of proper communication. One person may specifically ask for something, where the other person, without thinking reacts. The action of the first person causes a reaction of the second person yielding a negative result. If the second person considered the question more thoroughly, perhaps the result may have been more positive. I believe many of us tend to speak on behalf of others assuming we know the answer. I am sure we all had situations during our Thanksgiving holiday that could have gone better, if we had listened more effectively. As we start Advent leading up to Christmas Day, let us all be aware of the power of listening with the intent to first understand before imposing our own thoughts.

John 18:33-37 tells us the story of how Pilate heard only what he wanted to hear about Jesus. Let us not listen with the intent to only hear what we want to hear. The passage ends with these words, “Whoever accepts the truth listens to my voice.”

May we listen for the purpose of understanding the whole story.



I wrote a blog Thanksgiving of 2016 called “Absence of light”. When I wrote it, I was trying to draw a parallel between Heat and Light. Absence of heat is when there is no movement of particles to generate energy. It is very cold! Absence of light is very evil. When we are surrounded by evil, we put ourselves in darkness. When we are cold, we turn up the heat and do activities that will warm us up. When we are in the dark, we turn up the light and do activities that will light us up. What do you do to light up your world? What do you not do? I think the most important thing is to not worry. We spend many hours of the day and night listening to negative news about the economy, the unrest around the world, natural disasters, politics right or left, etc. We get all worked up about things someone has said or done. Do we get angry or revengeful or just worry? From Wikipedia,” worry refers to the thoughts, images, and emotions of a negative nature…” The definition continues to indicate that we are proactive in our worrying trying to avoid or solve the potential threats. Worrying will make us sick and keeps us in the darkness where evil resides. How do we stop this destructive behavior?

Matthew 6:25-33, which is part of Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount”, tells us not to worry. I encourage you to read the whole passage, period. There should not be a question when there is a definite period. Questioning will only start the worry again. Leave it alone! I ended my post in 2016 by saying, “during this time of Thanksgiving, let us truly give thanks to the Creator of all things for without Him, we would only be motionless particles with no past, present or future.” A motionless particle cannot generate heat. A person full of worry can become motionless and cannot generate light. Do you consider yourself a provider of light? Or are you afraid to let your light shine because you worry about someone’s reaction? You, therefore, remain in darkness. As we start the holiday season, will it be a joyful or stressful time for you? The answer to that question is yes, depending on your attitude. Happy Stress Free, No Worry, Thanksgiving to you all.



Here is a trivia question for you. What song connects Queen to Lady Gaga? Too easy? Then, who wrote the song? Still probably too easy for you music experts. I encourage you to go to see the two movies mentioned below to learn more about these dynamic characters.

Encouragement is the action of giving someone support, confidence or hope. Synonyms include inspiration, motivation, stimulation just to name a few from google sources. My wife and I have been on a family mission to help our son move into their new home way down in Florida along the East Coast. We made two trips loaded with stuff for their new home. We then spent two weeks moving all that stuff into their home. We built a floating dock, ripped up carpet, painted and whatever we could to provide encouragement to our son and family. Now, we are making our way back home feeling good about providing help and encouragement.

I am writing this message while in a condo in Gulf Shores overlooking a beach. It is awesome to walk along the beach even though chilly to feel the fresh sea air. Have not seen much sun as cold, rainy and windy for a few days, but still relaxing. We took advantage of the inclement weather to watch awesome movies. We were both blown away by the stories of encouragement in the light of adversity. We saw two movies in two simultaneous days. That has never happened to us but worth the effort. Without setting off a “spoiler alert”, the movies were “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “A Star is Born”. Both movies were about devastating lives turned around with the encouragement of loved ones and friends. Unfortunately, both movies ended in tragedy when the one being encouraged failed to accept the love and good deeds of their true friends and loved ones. They tragically went down a path of destruction.

Hebrews 10 starting at verse 24 says, “And let us consider each other carefully for the purpose of sparking love and good deeds. Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near.”

Whether we are considering the meeting reference above as church or a gathering of friends, the message is still the same. Do not try to fix yourself by yourself. Instead, be in a state encouragement in a group of people who believe in love and good deeds not hatred and selfishness.



The definition of legal is “a formal status derived from law often without a basis in actual fact”. I wander sometimes about the last part stating without basis of actual fact. No matter what profession you choose, you become a representative of your profession to the outside world. A Doctor represents his or her profession and becomes an expert in their field. As a patient, we are under their rules whether actual fact or their best judgement. How do we choose?

My old truck had an oil leak. All the expert mechanics said expensive to replace oil line. I pointed out to several that the leak appeared to be a loose connection at my radiator. The experts all said no. Instead of accepting a huge expense on an old truck, I decided to tighten up the connection myself. Guest what? No more leaks. Do you accept the expert opinion of one or get a second and third opinion? Perhaps, your final decision is based on common sense?

Doctors or mechanics are in the business of practicing their professions based on certain facts or educated assumptions. I had one Doctor tell me that he is not in the business of making assumptions. However, he could not tell me his recommended procedure would reveal any further findings. As a mechanic, it is easier to replace parts until problem solved, at the expense of the customer. Likewise, a doctor may see the solution as just another procedure at the expense of the patient. I am not suggesting to stay away from doctors or mechanics but I believe we need to be cautious of the experts. We should get multiple opinions, in my opinion, then make your best decision for your situation.

Politicians love to promise the moon during campaigns but when the voting is over, do they change their tune? I read a fictitious story recently about a politician who died and was given the choice to go to heaven or hell. He was first sent to hell where all of his passed buddies were playing golf and they all ended up dining with the devil in luxury. He was then sent to heaven where his eternal life was shown to be total peace without his friends and new devil friend. He chose to go back to hell where he was met by the devil for an eternal life of slavery with no green fields but only devastated land. All his passed friends were held in bondage to work the worthless land. He asked what happened? The devil said, before his decision, they were campaigning, but now they got his vote.

In Mark 12 starting at verse 38, Jesus warns us to watch out for the legal experts who walk around in long robes and want to be greeted with honor. They care not for you or me but it is all about their gain at your expense. Deceivers throw lots of money around out of their spare change. Whereas, the true believers give what they need to live.

Are we intended to give everything we have? In my opinion, we are intended to be aware of the legal experts, get multiple opinions then give or choose according to God’s will not ours.