
Comprehension is the action or capability of understanding something.

Ole Charlie Brown just wants to be understood. Will a coffee and two million dollars do it for him? You might say yes but in reality he might not have the capability to understand what causes his pain. Now, I know he is just a cartoon character but represents a harsh reality to many. Last week I was writing about listening to understand not to reply. This week I call my topic the “light bulb” affect. Have you ever been a student striving to learn a trade or a profession and finding it very difficult to comprehend? If you persist at your endeavor, there comes a time when it all begins to come together and all of a sudden the light comes on and you understand. You can then take that understanding and apply it to what causes you pain. Is your pain lack of money, lack of freedom, lack of control, lack of health (big one), lack of spiritual awareness (bigger one), or you name your pain?

Paul was talking to the people of Corinth saying he was not an expert in speech or wisdom. In fact he was afraid of the very thought of speaking by himself so he relied on the Holy Spirit to give him the words to speak . In 1 Corinthians 2:5, he says I spoke so that your faith would not depend on wisdom of people but on the power of God. He went on to say that we are all connected to God’s Spirit if you choose to believe. The unspiritual (non believers) do not accept the things from God’s Spirit. They do not understand. But Spiritual people comprehend everything but they themselves aren’t understood by anyone. (verse 15) Some may never understand as it is beyond their comprehension or capacity to understand. However, all of us should strive to become students and open our minds and hearts to new possibilities when we seek to fully comprehend the real meaning of life. In my opinion, to understand the cause of pain you must first submit to a higher spirit that will guide you to full comprehension.


Listen to my brief message below if you have time.

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