Slice or Draw?

I confess that I will never be a good golfer. No matter how much I try to play the techniques required to be a good golfer escape me. However, it does not stop me from enjoying a day with friends to share a laugh or two and perhaps solve a few of the world’s most pressing challenges. NOT! But we can have a good discussion regardless if the solution is beyond our capabilities. There are a few things about golf I have learned along the way. Number one, is to keep your eye on the ball during your swing. If not, the ball may go nowhere or go where you do not want it to go. Number two, is to keep your stance and club face square to the ball. If the face is open, the ball may have some sidespin and travel left to right rather than traveling straight. This is called a slice. If the face is closed meaning turned more inward, the ball has minimal sidespin and may travel right to left which is called a draw. I have learned that my swing tends to either go straight or slice to the right. That is not too bad for me if I keep my eye on the ball. Most of the courses I have played supports a path to the right instead of the left. The left usually has loads of trees and a lot of challenges. Most likely will hit a tree and the ball bounces totally out of bounds or the ball gets lost in the forest. I have found it is much better to go right where it appears to me I have a better chance of reaching my goal of par. I try to be consistent by hitting the ball straight as I would rather be center neither right or left. In life, as in golf, I believe it is better to stay focused on the ball keeping a square stance then my chances of success will be improved.


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