
Chameleons have an ability to change color. It is all in their special cells within their skin. Can you imagine being able to change according to your environment? This is not how us humans are put together. We are different and that is what makes us unique. Is that wrong? No, but does it put pressure on us to conform? Yes! This week has been something. It started out with celebrations in the streets for Mardi Gras, loving Valentine gifts, then total breakdown of law and order. The tragedy of yet another mass shooting in a school negates the happiness of simply enjoying one another. Joy continues with the birth of new babies, marriages and all things nice. But in the midst of joy, their continues to be tragic events. I heard one news reporter nearly breaking down saying why can’t politicians fix this problem as if the problem can be magically legislated into a solution. I wanted to scream at the person to say you stupid idiot. What do you expect when God is so far removed from the public. Over the years, we have systematically removed the solution in an effort to become chameleons.

We spend all of our time on being a social media expert yet we refuse to look each other in the eye to become more social to one another. We do not know our neighbors because we are afraid to get too close to them as they look or act weird. We blame the FBI for not recognizing threats yet we look at a person each day with contempt and avoidance instead of compassion and acceptance. How many times have we seen the same scenario? A person is different and not accepted in our social circles so he or she becomes a chameleon that blends into the environment and we see with our brains but not with our hearts. We say well we need to get rid of the guns or we say well we need more guns as if the solution is so easy. Yet we refuse to accept the reality of hurt we inflict on people who reach out for help. Terrorist attacks from an ideological difference in my opinion need to be handled with harsh solutions to protect our freedom but I am not suggesting this was a terrorist attack. I am suggesting this act of violence could be mitigated by a kinder approach without political fanfare. Here goes….

Jesus came to become the good news or the gospel. Paul spoke in 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 that he preached the gospel not to brag but because he felt obligated. He felt he was in trouble if he did not speak the truth. He was not looking for pay instead made himself into a slave to all people in order to bring more people to know the truth. He was a Jew for the Jews, a lawmaker for the lawmakers, an outlaw for the outlaws in order to become all things to all people. He wanted to be all things in order to save some by all possible means and partner with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

What if the next time we see a person a bit colored as if trying to disguise themselves in the crowd, we stand along them and reach out in kindness? Could that possibly make a more lasting impact on that person? The person may receive the help needed well in advance of tragic events in the future. Don’t just ignore the person in hope they go away but reach out and be the solution in partnership with a higher power.




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