
When is the right time? In my last post I wrote about chameleons who have the ability to change colors in order to blend into their environments. The unfortunate truth is that we cannot as humans stay behind the scenes. When we see horrific events that could possibly be avoided, do we step forward and offer help? When is the right time to offer help and can we keep a secret when it is not the correct time? These are questions that have provoked my thoughts recently. With the disturbing news of more violence at the hands of one person with a gun, do we step up to offer solutions based on intelligence or emotions? The solution seems clear depending one’s opinion but where was the clarity before the event?

In 2 Corinthians 4:3, Paul explains that the good news is hidden to those on the road to destruction. If that is the case then how do we find the right time to share the knowledge of God’s glory. The secret is in clear sight. But the secret is hidden to those who refuse to see. So as believers, we have a challenge. To share or not to share. It is all about timing. What if we open up our hearts and let the force within us share at the opportune time? But there lies the challenge most of us have. We refuse to let go of our control. In Mark 9, Peter, James and John wanted to build shrines but were cautioned not to say anything until the opportune time. When is the right time? Can we keep a secret until the time is revealed? The news is full of experts after the fact but where is the intelligence before the reveal?


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